
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Plan For The Week

Monday I filled my day with as much of nothing as I could cram into it. Trust me, I stuffed it so full of nothing, that nothing is all that I could see for most of the day!😀😀

I did manage to do some computer work and some sermon preparation and KJo worked hard to catch up on laundry and a bunch of other stuff. She never slows down until I drag her away somewhere.

We have a big and exciting week ahead of us. This week my brother Steve and his wife Karen are moving from Ohio to Wichita, Kansas to work on staff at Bethany Revival Center. We are planning to help them move.

Our part in their move came into being after Steve and Karen decided to accept the position and set a date for moving. At that point, I volunteered to drive the moving truck. I am happy to do it.

Later this week we will drive the truck to Kansas and then turn the unloading over to Pastor John DiZazzo and his folks. I told Pastor DiZazzo that Union rules prevent the driver from touching freight after it has passed over four state lines. We will see how my story holds up.😁

On Saturday we are going to attend a Retirement and Appreciation Reception for Bro. Rickey Searcy in Oklahoma City. Bro. Searcy began pastoring at Mt. Vernon in the late 1970s and recently retired from his position. The church will be honoring him next Saturday and we are thrilled to be a part of it.

On Sunday we are going to preach both services for Pastor Lendell Birdsong at Crosslight Chapel in Moore, OK. We know that will be a big treat for us.

We are looking forward to both of these days in Oklahoma! Bro. Searcy and Bro. Birdsong are both long time friends of ours and we love being around them. I know we will also see many more friends over the weekend as well.

The following week, we will work our way home, preaching in various places as we go. This will be a chance to dip our toe into the newly opened world and see how that goes. If all is well, we will load up in the bus a few days later and venture out for a six week circle. We are praying all is well!

Speaking of going well or not, we received word over the weekend that there has been a flareup of coronavirus in some people we know locally and that are distantly related to us. We have not seen any of them recently, but they are people we know and love. Please help us pray for those that are sick and those that now need to self isolate while navigating the care of their loved ones.

Thank you for your prayers and for joining us for a few minutes today. May God bless you all.


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