
Monday, January 13, 2020

What's Up, Weekend? 1/13/2020

Well, you miss a weekend and you miss a lot!

Even though we were sick all week and there was already much sickness sweeping the church before we arrived, we really had a great revival in Moss Point, Mississippi. God spoke to His people and loved on us all week long. Amazingly, I had little voice some days, but I had plenty of voice to sing pretty much whatever I needed to sing and voice to preach as well.

Not having enough voice to fulfill my obligations properly is one of my greatest fears when I am sick, but the fears were completely unfounded this week. Praise God for His help. KJo and Odie were able to sing most nights too. We did have to manage our song selection to accommodate their voice strength each night, but we were happy they were able to make noise in tune at all!

The front brakes on the BoggsMobile needed work and the parts were delivered by Thursday evening. After a phone call with Jeff (Who is Jeff? See below) I made an executive decision Friday morning to drive to  Vonore, Tennessee after church Friday night before making our way to Sterlington, Louisiana for our next revival.

We spent most of Friday making preparations for the last minute trip. By 3:30 the water was unhooked, the electricity was unhooked, all the cords and hoses were put away and the Green Machine was hooked to the bus. Ready.

We rested a few minutes before getting ready for church and then away we went. We had a good crowd the last night of revival and a wonderful service. The Forts Lake Church has so much talent and the singing Thursday and Friday night was phenomenal. We loved every moment of it!

We appreciate Pastor Tim Cauley and his congregation and all of the visitors pressing in to have revival last week. Thank you Forts Lake for having us in your church and making us feel like family.

You can find many more pictures from revival at Forts Lake in our Revival In Pictures post.

After service Friday night I cranked the bus while KJo was taking charge of packing up sound equipment and then I carried it out and loaded it in the bus with the help of several of the young men. We went back in to say our goodbyes and then hit the road. It was about 9:20 PM Central Time.

We dreaded the trip for two reasons. Number one, it was overnight, after church, with little rest. Number two, it was supposed to rain on us all night long.

There was nothing to do about either thing but pray and God helped us tremendously. The rain front that brought terrible storms on Saturday slowed to a crawl and we had almost zero rain the whole 517 miles from Forts Lake Church to Vonore, Tennessee. At about the 250 mile mark, we had about 40 miles of a very light mist. Perfect.

Also, we had light traffic the whole drive. We passed through Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham and Chattanooga and drove on 6 interstates and never one time hit the brakes in any of that. It could not have been much better.

I did get a little sleepy about 4:30 Central, but I told KJo and she prepared a little snack and we talked through it. We pulled into East Tennessee Luxury Coach and set the parking brake about 5:45 Central, 6:45 AM Eastern in Tennessee. The trip was 517 miles in 8 hours and 25 minutes.

When we arrived I did not even unhook the car. We turned on the generator, flipped on the AC and went to bed. A little later in the morning I unhooked the car and backed into a parking space and plugged into electricity.

After KJo backed into the open space, I realized there are five XLs parked in a row. 

Prevost manufactured the XL for years, but they changed to the XLII in about 2001. All five of these buses are at least 19 years old and some of them considerably older. The other four, a Beaver, a Country Coach, a Liberty and another Country Coach make the BoggsMobile blush with its obvious wrinkles and age marks, but I think they take a nice picture together.

Yesterday morning, we let Odie rest so that she could try to get on top of sickness. KJo and I attended a little church close by, went to fetch a bite to eat and generally had a good, laid back day. After the storms blew through Saturday night, Sunday was a beautiful day!

We visited a second church Sunday evening and met some great folks. We enjoyed it very much.

This morning Jeff and his guys will be busy setting things in order on the front brakes of the BoggsMobile. Soon all will be well and we will be on our way to Louisiana.

There are new readers all the time and some of you do not know who Jeff is and what he has to do with the bus. Jeff Rowe is the owner of and brains behind Tennessee Luxury Coach in Vonore, Tennessee. He has been doing his part to keep the BoggsMobile on the road for several years and he is much more than a friend to us. Jeff Rowe is family without a doubt.

Pulling into his place in Vonore is like pulling into home. We can breathe easy and relax. We know the BoggsMoblie is going to be well taken care of here. Jeff does things right, he does them reasonably and he does them as quick as possible. He has pulled my fat out of the fire more than several times and we regularly thank God for him.

That pretty much brings you up to date on the weekend. Thank you for reading today.


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