
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Happy Birthday, Kelly Jo Boggs

Over the last 12 years, Kelly Jo has had four birthdays in Elco, Illinois. She has no phone service, no restaurants, no stores and nothing to see. Of course, it is camp meeting so there is no time for any of that anyway!

Happy Birthday to the hardest working evangelist's wife in the USA! Kelly Jo, you impress me more and more and more every year! You are an amazing lady!

What in the world were you thinking when you joined up with me to make our own team. I know that you have never taken drugs, but you must have been chewing Play-Doh, drinking water out of a mud puddle or something.

I love you, sweet lady. I respect you and cherish you too. You are wonderful and I hope you have a nice day, even if you are in the middle of nowhere, stuck with me and Odie.


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