
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Elco Family Camp Meeting Pictures Part I

We had an incredible week at Elco Family Camp Meeting. We did kind of miss having cell phone signal and internet, but we can do without that for a few days. The services were tremendous, the fellowship was grand and seeing so many old friends was priceless.

We had not been to Elco since 2011 and it was great to be back. All the regulars welcomed us with open arms and made us feel good to be there. The response to our singing and preaching was amazing and I told them I was very thankful for them responding to the Word of God. That always makes for a wonderful meeting.

Bro. Tracy and Sis. Shea Boyd were at Elco singing and preaching in the night services. It was a joy and honor to labor together with them over the last week. Bro. Tracy preached up a storm! They are some of our favorite people and we Loved getting to be with them so much. We could get used to that.

Of course, we had many friends there this week in addition to Bro. and Sis. Boyd. Some of them we expected would be there and others totally surprised us. You will see them in the pictures below.

Odie took lots of great pictures all week long and I snapped a few along the way. We have so many pictures that we will post them in two posts. This post is going live Sunday night and I will try to put up the second post by noon Monday. Maybe that will help some of you that went into withdrawal since our last post on Wednesday.😀😀

Here you go. I am sure you will recognize some familiar faces. Thank you for tuning in today.


This is Alyvia and she is four. Her mother is married and has two children. Her mother was 10 years old when we first preached for Alyvia's Grandpa and younger than that when we first met them.

Our dear friend, Pastor Alan Harris

Bro. and Sis. Bond, Camp Chairman


  1. Certainly am glad to have Y'all back online (cell phone signal).

    Frankie Shiflett

    1. Thank you, Bro. Frankie. It is good to be back! 😍



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