
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Travel, Friends and Cows

Travel, Friends and Cows. In that order and not mixing any of them with the others!

Kelly told me yesterday that she was so glad we took care of some things that needed to be done last week rather than wait for today. It was my idea. I told her that sometimes I do have flashes of brilliance. The problem is that my flashes of brilliance are way too few and far between.

Our recent weekend schedule was not one of those flashes of brilliance.

It looked good on paper. That is my famous line after my scheduling puts us in the position of having to jump through a lot of hoops and drive a lot of miles in order to see it all through. After it is over, we breathe deeper and we are always glad we got it done without major casualties.

I detailed most of our journey from Indiana to Tennessee to Ohio to Oklahoma in a previous post. We spent Monday night at the Flying J on the north side of Oklahoma City. Kelly Jo and I finished some of the urgent bookwork and we had a pretty good night's sleep.

I woke up rested at 5 and we were probably on the road by 6:30. At that hour we sailed right through OKC and exited at the Loves in Ardmore in about 90 minutes. I unhooked the car there and KJ drove the route to the church to double check a few things for me while I was fueling up.

We put in fuel on Saturday, but we had driven about 1000 miles since then. We could worry about MPG, but I would rather look on the bright side. This is the only vehicle I have ever owned that I can drive 1000 miles and still have 54 gallons of diesel in the tank!😀

With Kelly Jo's pointers, I was able to drive to the church with no problems. The entrance is tight off a city street. I approached it from the north and KJ backed the bus in with about a 7 point turn. No problem for a driver like Kelly Jo!
1995 Prevost XL
That was the end of 1547 miles in the bus since Thursday night after church with three services and salsa thrown in for good measure. It looked good on paper.

The rain was holding off so we hurriedly carried in our sound equipment and then finished setting up the BoggsMobile. By the time we finished a sound check, it was nearing 11 and we had plans to meet some special friends at 11 just up the road at the Sirloin Stockade.

It was so good to spend an hour or so with Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress. These are some of our long term best friends and it has been too long since we spent any time with them. I appreciate them driving down to eat lunch and visit.

My arms are not long enough for selfies. Odie is actually in this picture. Look for fingers at the bottom edge in from of Sis. Rosemary's arm.

Here is a little back story on why we are taking a picture in front of the steakhouse cow.

I love these old cows. They are a disappearing landmark across the USA. I have been telling Odie for two years that one of these in front of her house would be absolutely perfect. We could paint the trailer Caribbean Blue to catch some of the beach vibes. Bro. Larry said we could put Welcome to the Lazy OD Ranch on the sign.

Odie is not impressed.

What do you think? Every ranch needs a few cows and this big one does not eat any grass! Let me know if you run across one for sale.

We have had good services Tuesday and Wednesday for our first revival at Ardmore Holiness Church. We have been smack dab in the middle of very serious storms and had some deadly tornadoes in the area. We have been safe by God's grace!

Thank you for stopping by today.


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