
Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Isaacs in Georgetown, Delaware

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in once again. First I want to say Happy Mother’s Day to all the ladies! I have the World’s Most Awesome Mother. She deserves an extra shout out! 

Mom, I love you so much! You are the most amazing person I know. I am so grateful that God gave me you as my mother. He definitely knew the special Mom that I needed. Thank you for always loving me and being my rock. You are the true definition of unselfish love. You have spent most of your life caring for me. I pray I can be like you “When I grow up”! 😀 Happy Mother’s Day!

I also want to wish my grandmother's Happy Mother's Day as well. I love my Mamaw and Gran with all my heart! Thank you for being such a huge part of my life.

The Isaacs

I had a super special treat last Saturday. We were able to spend some time with our family, The Isaacs! This was our third time seeing them this year. We crossed paths with them in Louisiana in January and in Alabama in February. I was ready for another live Isaacs fix.

I had seen this date on their schedule and my parents and I had talked about it a while back. I definitely did not think it would really be doable with our schedule.

I was shocked when Dad said it was a possibility that we could go! Still, I really would not allow myself to get excited just in case things did not work out. My incredible Daddy made it entirely possible. 

He definitely deserves a major gold star! ⭐️ 

Thank you, Dad, for all the extra driving you did. 

Crossroads Community Church in Georgetown, Delaware was celebrating their 15th-anniversary last weekend. They brought the Isaacs in for a full concert on Saturday evening and then to sing in their 3 services on Sunday morning. 

We arrived Saturday afternoon just as the Isaacs were getting everything set up. We got to enjoy visiting with them and hearing their sound check. It was great to see the whole crew! Aunt Lily, Ben, Sonya, Becky, Mark, Nathan, VeeVee, Levi, Jakobi, Ayden, Gatlyn and Evya we love you all so much!!

7:00 PM was show time. There was a great crowd excited to see the Isaacs. Many in the crowd were seeing the Isaacs sing live for the first time. Everyone really seemed to enjoy the concert.

The whole evening was incredible! I was soaking everything in from the beginning note until the end. It is impossible to pick a favorite song because I was wowed by every song they sang.

I was once again inspired by their amazing talent of singing and making beautiful music. The Isaacs are hands down my favorite group!

They performed songs from several of their projects both old and new. You can find their music on their website here or find them by searching for The Isaacs on iTunes.    

The Isaacs have a new album coming out in a few weeks. I found that is available for pre-order on iTunes. You can find it by clicking here. This is a collection of the fan favorites revisited. They picked some great songs and recorded them with a fresh take for this project. I am excited to add this music to my Isaacs catalog. 

Thank you for stopping by to visit with us today. Do you have a favorite Isaacs song? Please leave a comment and let me know. Below are my pictures from last Saturday. 


Becky Isaacs Bowman and Odie 

Ben Isaacs and Odie 

Aunt Lily Isaacs and Odie 

Sonya Isaacs and Odie 

Levi Bowman Odie and Nathan Faucet aka Spigot 

Odie and Mark Capps

The stage is set





Davy introducing a song. 


Sonya with her children Evya age 1, Ayden age 6 and Aunt Lily is holding Gatlyn age 2.

The Pastor of Crossroads Community Church. Everyone we met at the church was super friendly. 

Levi Bowman with Davy, they have been buddies for a long time. 


  1. Hi Odie, enjoyed your pictures. I have to say my favorite song by the Isaacs is Waiting in the Water. It just has so much meaning to me.
    Hope your doing good, I love you! ❤

  2. Hey Deb, it is great to hear from you. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures “Waiting In The Water” is truly a fabulous and special song. Love you too.


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