
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 Now Brings You Here.

I told you recently that we were in the process of rolling our original website address,, into this site. Bro. David Johnston completed a big step in that process last week.

When you go to you will be directed here instead of our static website that Bro. Johnston created years ago. We could have let that domain address drift into oblivion but decided against it for two reasons.

First, that is the address that many people have used for years and it is the only way they have of finding us. I could see no reason to muddy the waters and cause loyal readers to lose track of our web presence.

Secondly, does not eat near as much as the real live Davy, Kelly and Odie do so it did not make much sense to drop the domain. It only cost about $10 a year to maintain that domain so cost was not a concern.

I am not finished with the job yet. There are links on some of the main Mile Marker pages that go to old pages on the now defunct website. As I get time, I will take those links down or redirect them to valid links.

Another change is that the old website email address is no longer valid. That old address was It was the address listed on the website. 

I have no idea how many readers use it because it was automatically forwarded to our gmail address, If you send email to us, you might want to check and see which one you have in your address book.

We are enjoying revival this week in Livingston, Texas. Thank you for praying for us. Thank your reading today as well.



  1. Hope you are having a great revival..Can't wait for you to get home to MISSISSIPPI..Looking for a great week..Love y'all

    1. We plan to be there very soon, my dear brother! Keep the revival fire burning and we will try to fan the flame!

      God bless you, buddy.



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