
Monday, March 13, 2017

Weekend Woundup and Weview #11

All day Friday was pretty much a repeat of Thursday for me and Kelly Jo. We worked several more hours trying to get everything finished in our data recovery, book work and other projects. We called it a day late Friday night and we feel a whole lot better about things now.

We did not take time to go eat any where but Kelly Jo did cook us a couple of very nice and tasty meals. This is beef and cheese enchiladas healthy enough for me to eat and good enough to write home about. In fact they were good enough to write to everyone about. I guess I just did.

We had storms blow through Friday night and it was raining when we prepared to leave. We gave the rain some time to pass and it did. I needed to empty the holding tanks and I did not want to get soaked doing it. It worked out pretty good.

We left about noon and pulled into Richton about 2:40. We spent the evening setting up sound, getting sound check and practicing some new songs. It was a good evening and we had a great time playing music with Bro. Scott and Sis. Regan.

We really enjoyed the services Sunday with our friends in Richton. Pastor Scott Morris and his church have been so kind to us and we love being with them. Bro. Scott is always going to make sure his folks know they have been to church and as an evangelist, I love that! We sure had church Sunday night!

We have a bunch of pictures from our day in Richton.

Sunday Morning

Sunday Lunch at Front Porch in Hattiesburg

Sunday Night

At the end of service Sunday night Pastor Scott Morris presented Odie with a card and money from First Assembly to help Boggs Family Ministries build a house for Odie to live in. We are overwhelmed with their kindness!

That sums up our weekend! I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our friends. Thank you for reading.



  1. That picture at Front Porch made me jealous ��. We really enjoyed that place.
    See you down the road!

    1. Bro. Bruce,
      You know it pains me to tell you this, but I think Front Porch might have been even better Sunday than it was two weeks ago when you ate there with us! Wow!



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