
Friday, June 3, 2016

City Reach Atwater Summary

I was up early yesterday working on the blog post and thought I published it. For some reason it did not go live until late afternoon. I know that many of you read it early in the morning. HERE is the link to yesterday's post in case you missed it.


Some of you know we have had some serious snags in our City Reach Tulsa location and you have been praying with us. I have been stressing some about it and felt like it was imperative we get here as soon as possible, especially since we had a change in our schedule this week.

We passed up a few places we really needed to stop and neglected a few things we really needed to do, in order to arrive in Tulsa Thursday about noon. I spend the rest of the day smiling and persisting in talking to folks until someone must have lit a fire under the right person.

I received an email from the Program Planner for the Parks department with some good news. I sent a return email to clarify all the details and will go in tomorrow morning to pay for the permit and make sure all is well. With City Reach Tulsa only ten days away, I feel a whole lot better! The location is not a "done deal" yet, but we are close.

City Reach Atwater Summary

Here are some links from City Reach Atwater.

I heard from my dear friend Pastor Jared Burris Thursday morning and I want to pass his words along. I had asked him to write a summary of City Reach Atwater so that you could see the results from a Pastor's perspective.

I love City Reach, my family loves City Reach and my board and many of our close friends love City Reach. You hear from us about it until you may be tired of hearing about it. I think it is very important that you get a feel of what the local folks right in the middle of it are thinking and experiencing.

On that note, I turn this over to Pastor Jared Burris, Amazing Grace Holiness Tabernacle.

It is my privilege and such a blessing to be able to write on behalf of City Reach.  When Bro. Davy first spoke to me about what God was leading him to do, I was sold, 100%.  I knew we would support in word and deed, by prayer and giving, but I never imagined that providence would bring the Blue and White Gospel tent to Atwater.  The entire experience has been amazing.  Though we had very limited time to plan and prepare, it became evident that God was working for us.  The city approved our request to be able to use Ralston Park, which is in the center of our city, and across the street from our church. 

To see our church unite behind the vision to take the gospel out of the confines of a building, to reach to the lost, hurting, broken souls of our community was amazing.  Our children were very excited about knocking on doors and passing out flyers. Many of them overcame extreme shyness because they wanted to work for the Lord.  The excitement and enthusiasm was and is contagious. 

The services were great.  Every night God was reaching for people and many responded.  We had first time visitors every night under the tent. Every night but two, we had sinners in the altar. Many came for prayer for healing and deliverance.  Even on the last night, I felt we were still building momentum.  

We made many new friends in our area and it is our desire to be able to minister to them.  Lives were transformed by the power of God.  Our God is still in the business of changing hearts and lives, but He needs a church willing to go out into the highways and compel them. Looking back, I am amazed at what God did. I know that anytime God's people rise up to work and do battle, there will be opposition, that is to be expected, but greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.

Looking ahead, we have had one family that has started to attend our church as a direct result from City Reach, but we also expect that the Lord of the Harvest will add to and multiply the seed sown and He will enable us to reap that harvest.  

Thank you Bro. Davy, Sis. Kelly, Sis. Odie, and Bro. Jimmie, for your hard work and vision.  Thank you for being our dear friends and for believing in my vision for Amazing Grace.  And most of all, Thank You God for this glorious gospel and the unspeakable gift.

Pastor Jared Burris

Thank you, Bro. Jared for sharing our burden and allowing us to come to Atwater. We loved every moment of it!

Thank you all for reading.


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