
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Travel, Revival and Paparazzi!


Monday was a full day and a blessed day. After a physically draining and emotionally challenging weekend we were looking forward to a good day and that is exactly what we had. We rested really well in the Walmart parking lot. We actually slept with the small fan on since it was in the 50's outside.

We awoke to warm temperatures but you could feel rain in the air. Sure enough the rain started right after we left Walmart but thankfully it was never heavy at all. We were only about 70-80 miles from Beech Creek Assembly in Livingston and it took us less than two hours to make the drive. We arrived dropped, the trailer in one parking lot, parked the bus in the other parking lot, hooked everything up and turned off the bus.

Then Kelly Jo prepared another great monster omelet for my breakfast/lunch before we even took time to settle in good. Wow! She makes a super omelet! It was every bit as good as it looks.

After brunch we carried in our sound system and set it up in the beautiful sanctuary. I had forgotten how beautiful the church is.

When we went back out to the bus, the sun was shining and it felt heavenly! It was an absolutely gorgeous day and I was glad to be a part of it! 

Saturday night, you may remember, we had problems with the generator and slept without heat. The temperature inside the bus Sunday morning was in the low 40's. Monday we were parked in the direct sun and the inside temperature was in the 80's. When I went inside the girls had one of the air conditioners on. What a contrast! Amazing!


Monday night of revival was tremendous! This is our second revival here and it seemed that Pastor Goodwin's folks needed no warm up time at all. They responded in the altar service and God met with us there! It was wonderful and I am looking forward to more of the same the next four nights!

Pastor Don Goodwin and Davy


I posted part 3 of our year in review last week and made mention of a text message I received about the previous Rear View Mirror post.

Here is the text.

I am so glad you did the year in review!! As I was reading it I noticed some pictures I didn't recognize so at 4 am I was scouring older posts to find what I could have possibly missed. Sure enough... It was when we were in South Dakota for a  missions trip. I sure thought I caught up but guess I didn't. Thank you for that! Sure wouldn't want to miss out on anything!! Love you all!

That is all I said. I gave no names, no states, no nothing.

I had asked for permission to post the text but I did not ask for permission to post the name of the person that sent it, so I did not. I might as well post the name of the person now because the Paparazzi discovered who it was some how and they were lying in wait to capture her picture and sell it to the highest bidder.

Notice the Paparazzi disguised as a bush. Very, very clever.

I hope she was able to make it to town and back without too much trouble. I apologize to Sis. DeeAnna Martin for the Paparazzi's harassment. I guess it is just the reality of commenting on such a famous blog. Maybe the heat will cool down in a few days and they will move on to the next big story. 

Seriously though, Sis. Martin, her husband, Pastor Ryan Martin and their extended family and church really carry a burden for our family and ministry to God in prayer and I do not want to hinder that one bit!

Well, that was our Monday. Thanks for reading.


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