
Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Tent is Up in Bristol, Virginia

Post from Saturday Morning.

We had a hard working crew of men to help set up the tent today. It rained off and on most of the morning but they kept right on working. Everything went very smoothly and I am thankful for that. Each time we set up and tear down the tent without any major obstacles or anybody getting hurt, I thank God for it.

Pastor David Horton wanted us to pray under the tent after it was set up. He wanted us to believe God to work in lives this week in the revival. As we all prayed the Holy Ghost fell on us in a special way. I believe God was confirming His word and His work this week. I know that God is going to move in hearts and lives under the blue and white Gospel tent once again the next several nights.

I know that some of you pray especially for these tent revivals. Thank you for taking that task to heart and interceding to God for us and for the men and women that will hear the Gospel message. God hears those prayers and is working even right now in the hearts of folks in this community. Isn't that amazing? Praise God for the Long Arm of God's Grace! Thank you for being a part of it.

We plan to have service tomorrow morning inside the church and then begin the tent revival tomorrow evening. The weather guessers are predicting cool temperatures the next few days but I am hoping and praying for warmer weather. They guessed right for the rain this morning but they can not be right all of the time. Pray with us please.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of the set up today.


One of the brothers in the church had been given some rolls of nylon string woven together like carpet. It was used in some kind of manufacturing process and was discarded. He said he had no idea what he was going to do with it but he does now. It worked absolutely perfect to roll out on the gravel to protect the tent.

And the ladies will be very grateful not to ruin their shoes on the gravel during church!

One of the brothers said, "Wait! I forgot to hold my stomach in." I said, "I've been holding mine in for years."


  1. Wow! That tent looks like it is up on the a matter of fact I think I can see the tippie-top from here!! Praying you'all have a great meeting. Tell Brother David and Sister Horton howdy for me.

    God Bless!

  2. I will be waving at you, Bro. Ray. I will pass your greetings along if my memory cooperates. Lol

    God bless you, friend.



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