
Friday, April 19, 2013

Going Into Business

Evidently Kelly Jo and I have went into business in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and we did not even know it. Look what we saw just down the road from the RV Park. This building has four stores and two of them have our names on them.

KJ's Boutique. KJ is what I call Kelly Jo a big part of the time.

Two doors down you will find Davy's Tattoos!

Odie has Smokin' Odie's BBQ in Miami, Oklahoma and we have these businesses here in Tuscaloosa. Either we are not making any money or somebody is holding back on us because we are not receiving any checks!

The wind was pretty strong over night and the rain was hard but we survived. The storm did cool things off pretty good though. It was upper 80's yesterday and it is 49 at 9:30 this morning. That is a big drop.

Revival is going good. Last night we had several visitors again. We had visitors from local churches and we had several folks that needed to be saved. God reached for them during the service but none of them publicly prayed. You never know what is going on in people's lives and hearts.

I pray that God will continue to deal with them and they will reach for God. He is the only hope in this world at all. So many are struggling to survive but all we really need is God. You can live without more money. You can live without more stuff. But you can not live abundantly without God. You can not live eternally without God.

Thanks for praying for us.



  1. Awesome! Revival is going wonderful.....and it is great to know y'all are in such a thriving business. =D

  2. I forgot to tell u I told Bro Acy about your alls shops he cracked up especially at Daveys tattoos :). Crystal


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