
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Special Friend Javonia Searcy

Javonia is the daughter of Bro. Rickey and Sis. Sharon Searcy and she is a friend to everyone she meets. We have been friends for a very long time. I could tell many funny Javonia moments.

Javonia has a gift to make me smile and her laughter is contagious. Because of our travel schedule I only get to be with her a few times a year but I cherish the times we've had together listening to music, looking at pictures, or working word search puzzles.

Once Javonia gets something on her mind there is no changing it. Most of the time we have a lot of fun with it.

Every year she decides what she wants to buy me for my birthday or Christmas and that's what it has be. She will not be talked out of it. For my birthday this year she was set on getting me lotion. So I got bath gel and lotion from Bath & Body Works.

Several years ago the initial purses were big. The letter O was hard to find. Well Javonia set out to find me one. Right before Christmas I got a package in the mail. Yes it was an O purse. Funny thing is Javonia don't like shopping. I think she had the whole church looking everywhere they went for my purse.

I am blessed to count her as a dear friend. I love her so very much. Javonia has taught me to laugh at myself and enjoy life.

Many times as I try to get up off a bed or couch. I have to try more than once to accomplish the task. And most of the time we both end up laughing over my failed attempts to get up.

I will close with the chorus that has become our song. We've sang this to each other since 1999. I don't know why this has stuck with us. We have had a lot of fun with this song.

It is from Jeff and Sheri Easter's project Work In Progress. The song is "Been There Done That"

Been there done that
And I ain't ever going back
I've walked through salvation's door
And there's nothing worth returning for
I'll never live that life again
No I'm never going back
No way been there done that


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