
Friday, November 2, 2012

A Prayer For the Northeast

These pictures give us a small measurement of just how serious the monster storm in the Northeast was and is.

Hundreds of thousands are still without power and the electric company said yesterday that the majority of them may not receive power until November 11.

Much of the public transportation is closed and lines for gasoline are a mile long in some places. Most stations either have no electricity or have no gasoline at all.

Traffic is bumper to bumper in all the major cities and tempers are flaring every where.

Some cities are still flooded and tens of thousands of homes and businesses have suffered water damage.

The clean up will take months and the reconstruction might take years.

One neighborhood lost 110 homes to fire after the storm because the firetrucks could not get there.

One 88 year old resident described it all in two words, "Jesus, horrible."

One story said yesterday that at least 88 died in the US and many are still missing. Among the missing are two boys age 2 and 4 that were swept away from their mother.

The damage goes on and on. The heartbreaking stories are endless. People are going to be hurting for a long, long time.

It is sunny and beautiful where I am today in Lawton, Oklahoma.

My bills are paid and my home is still sitting upright on all eight wheels.

I have electricity for heat at night and air conditioning during the day.

I have access to clean water. I have enough and to spare.

Gasoline is down near $3 a gallon and I can purchase all I need. Diesel is still expensive but there is plenty available.

I have more than enough to eat and still more available at restaurants and stores close by.

My family is healthy and we are able to go to revival every night. I can hug my girls each night and know exactly where they are.

I should be so thankful! I should praise God for his help and protection.

The fact that all seems well in my life should drive me to my knees to pray for those whose lives have been turned upside down.

I should be moved to compassion for families that will not see "normal" for months or years if ever.

I should be moved to pray like never before. In fact I really am moved to pray. I hope we all are praying.

Father, thank you first of all that you hear me when I pray.
Thank you for the sunshine in my life.
Thank you for my family and all we have been given.
Thank you for salvation and the joy and contentment that goes with it.
Thank you that you have spared me so that I might pray for others.
God, help the people in the Northeast of our nation.
I have read of destruction and disaster in New Jersey, New York and beyond.
Help O God!
Comfort, heal, encourage, provide, protect, save and deliver.
In the midst of the heartache, make your presence known to millions of people.
In the hardest trial that many of them will ever face, reveal your grace to them.
Hear them when they call out to you.
Help them when they pray.
And for those that do not know how to pray or do not believe enough to pray, I pray for them.
I cry out for mercy.
I cry out for grace.
I believe that you will help the helpless.
I believe that you will give hope to the hopeless.
I believe that you will guide their steps.
I believe you will provide for their needs.
I believe that you will bring peace to their minds.
I believe that you will bind up the broken hearted.
I believe that you will set at liberty them that are bruised.
I believe it all and ask it all in Jesus name, Amen

Davy Boggs

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