
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Doctored Reuben

We have not been back to any restaurants this week but that does not mean we have been starving. We have been craving some sauerkraut so Kelly Jo fixed Reuben Casserole yesterday! Wow! It was Delicious!

I had one more bag of Herr's Horseradish and Cheddar chips that I had been saving for this occasion. You can see the sandwiches below with the chips on top...

The verdict? It was very good like this but the chips do not deliver enough horseradish punch. I prefer some chopped horseradish mixed in the Reuben and the Herr's Horseradish chips on the side.

I had a great day reading and doing sermon prep for Tent Revivals and Nigeria. I did not even step out of the bus yesterday. Throw in the awesome Reuben and I would rate that day as almost perfect!



  1. Wow! That looks good! Miss y'all so much.
    Much luv! The Isaacs

  2. What I wouldn't give in exchange for a a portion of that delicious Reuben. How about a slighty used Bassett Hound?

  3. Haha! It's a deal!

    We (I use that word pretty loosely when it comes to cooking) will make you some Reuben the next time we are there. We love Hank the church dog!


  4. Sis. Brenda!!!! How could you even consider such a thing? Hank for a Reuben? You know he isn't suited for life on the road. He needs his wide open spaces, his table scraps (do you really think the Boggs will have those?), his belly rubs, etc. And you call me a traitor for transferring from FGBI to OBI in my senior year? LOL.

  5. Oh, Bro. Alan! You underestimate the value of good Rueben! FGBI, OBI, and even Hank pale in comparision. Lol


  6. Please share the recipe!! I love rueben sandwiches but have never had the casserole. It looks yummy.


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