
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bond Campmeeting - October 2-5 - Bond, Kentucky

A recent comment on another post reminded me that Bond Campmeeting is just around the corner. This year is flying by and October is nearly upon us. Bond is October 2-5 and we plan to be there by the grace of God.

We missed Bond last year for the first time in many years and boy did we miss it. We were preaching tent revival last year that week and although we had a wonderful revival we knew they were having great services and hearing great preaching at Bond. We are so thankful that it seems we will be able to attend this year.

The first time we walked into Bond in 1988 Pastor John Gabbard and his folks captured our hearts. I remember saying out loud, "These are our kind of people." We have loved every minute of fellowship that we have had with them in the years since. The spiritual worship, the awesome preaching, the wonderful food and the lasting friendships have had a huge impact on our lives.

Many of our best and closest friendships were formed right there in Bond, Kentucky. Many of the life changing sermons that we have heard, we heard them right there. Many of the greatest blessings we have received we received them right there. Many of the best meals we have ever eaten we have eaten them right there!

Our Pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland will be preaching the night services again this year. We are looking forward to hearing him at the meeting. I know he will give us a Word from the Lord and we are anxious to hear it. I do not know who will be preaching the day services but I am sure it will be good.

I hope you can make plans to attend. You will be glad you did.



  1. Wonderful!!! I am so glad you all are gonna get to come!! We look forward to seeing ya' just two weeks!!

  2. I received a comment on this post from a person that said they desperately needed help and wanted to contact Bro. Gabbard.

    You left no way for me to contact you. Please email me or call me and I will do my best to help you. My contact information is on the front page of by website.


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