
Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Short Update

I want to take a moment to give you a little update on my shingles saga. I have always said that I am allergic to pain and this has been another chance to prove that pain hurts me.

The pain from Thursday through Tuesday was almost more than I could bear and the peak was probably on Saturday. I know that several of you were praying for me and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that.

Wednesday the pain was constant pretty much all day long and if that’s the only pain I had experienced from shingles I would have concluded that shingles were extremely painful. However, it was not as bad as a previous six days and I am very thankful for that.

This morning the pain seems pretty much equal to Wednesday but may be a little less. I will know more as the day goes forward and as we prepare for the weekend.

I was not able to keep my scheduled appointment to preach this past Sunday, but I am hopeful to be more alive from this point forward. Thank you again for praying for us not only the last few days but the way that many of you have bombarded Heaven for us the last few months.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.



  1. Praying for you! ❤️I tried to post a comment when you first announced your battle with shingles, but the site wouldn't publish the comment. I've known others who've dealt with shingles, and it can be rough! I'm so sorry you're facing this! Will continue praying! πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Thank you all for praying for me. I need His grace, strength and power.

  2. So very sorry that you are dealing with this! Continued prayers!❤️

    1. Thank you. We know that God is ableπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½


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