
Friday, February 23, 2024

There Is No God Like Our God!

I love this verse. It has spoken deep into my heart the last week or so.

II Samuel 7:22 Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

Hallelujah! Our God is great. There is no God like our God. There is no God beside our God. According to everything we have heard with our ears, there is no God like our God!

Wow! I love that.

Let me expand on that a moment. 

According to everything we have heard with our ears there is no God like our God. According to every testimony that we have ever heard, there is no God like our God!

According to everything we have read, there is no God like our God!

According to everything we have seen with our eyes, there is no God like our God! 

According to everything in life that we have experienced, there is no God like our God! 

Every difficulty declares, there is no God like our God!

Hallelujah! Through every test, through every trial, through every temptation, there is no God like our God!

In every hurt, hardship and heartache, there is no God like our God!

In despair, despondency and in depression, there is no God like our God!

In sickness, sadness and in sorrow, there is no God like our God!

In every care, crisis and calamity, there is no God like our God!

In every peril, problem and perplexity, there is no God like our God!

There is no God like him. There is no God who can stand beside him. There is no God like our God!

Wherever you have been, wherever you are right now, wherever you are going, whatever you are facing and whatever you are going through, please remember, child of God, there is no God like our God!

Thank you for stopping in today.



  1. He’s a mighty big God! See you down the road.

  2. Yes He Is! Look forward to seeing you down the road.

  3. Yes, there is NO God like our God! HE sets up kingdoms and HE brings down kingdoms! HE Reigns and HE Rules! Every knee shall bow and Every Tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ of Nazareth IS Lord! The Pre-Trib Rapture IS coming any moment now!!! Davy, Kelly Jo and Odie: See y’all here, there, or in the air!!!


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