
Friday, October 27, 2023

Revival In Pictures-Tulsa, Oklahoma

We have had a wonderful week of revival at the House of Prayer in Tusla, Oklahoma. It has always been a pleasure to preach for Pastor Bill Parks and his family and the church. We love being here this year and we are praising God for His help.

All through the week, Odie has been snapping great pictures of our friends at House of Prayer and today is the day to post them. I hope you enjoy the Revival In Pictures.

Thank you for stopping by.



  1. Don't underestimate The Churches In California just because there in a liberal state because there just as on fire passionate and sold out for Jesus as the churches you guys go visit

    1. Thank you for reading and thank you for commenting.
      However, I am pretty sure you are not a long term reader or you would know that we have spent many months in California over the last 20 years, including two months in 2022. We have great affection for the state of California, the churches of California and the people of California. In fact, If you type California in the search bar of the blog you will find descriptions of TWENTY trips we have made to California since 1992, but 18 in the last 20 years. We have written extensively about revivals and camp meetings and friends in California. We are very much looking forward to returning next fall by God's grace. Thank you again.

      We have received four anonymous comments this morning on two posts with two of them being about how pretty the girls are so I will probably leave them unpublished. 😍 Were they all from you?


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