
Thursday, August 3, 2023

Moving Day!

Yesterday was moving day. I mentioned that we were going to have to vacate our space in the campground in Bellingham, Massachusetts on Wednesday. We were wanting to stay here through the weekend because we are less than 200 miles from where we are preaching in NYC Sunday.

However, we knew when we arrived that there were no spots available for us after yesterday morning. Every day or so KJo would check with the office hoping for an opening because our options were not good.

We found a place near Albany New York that would have worked with driving down to the city but was a 150 miles from here and the drive from there to Vermont was worse.

There was also a place in New Hampshire that would be much less expensive and very close to our Vermont destination, but it would have been over five hours to NYC Saturday morning and five hours back Sunday night late. Ugh!

I know that some of you probably think there must be other options, but we could find none. That is why we kept checking with the campground office here.

Tuesday the office lady said she had nothing. But another employee was in the office and asked about the availability of the "emergency spot". Evidently, they have a 50 amp spot they keep in reserve in case another site has a problem with utilities or fallen trees or something.

It is not very level and it takes two cords to reach the electricity, but it was available and they agreed to rent it to us. Yay! They charged us a premium rate, but at least we have utilities and a safe place to leave the bus while we are preaching.

So it was moving day. Our new spot is only about 200' from the original spot, but of course, we had to go around the loop, down the hill and back up the hill to get to it. Plus, it does not matter how far you go, you still have to do all the prep work inside and out.

Thankfully, we did not have to drive a bunch of miles too. Here we are. The next spot down is at least 25-30' away and there is a privacy fence on the other side. Not too bad.

Thank you for stopping by.


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