
Friday, December 23, 2022

A Few Pictures From The Week

We are planning to have a short Christmas service from Odie's house on Christmas morning about 8:00 AM Eastern. We would love for you to join us live or later!

It will be available to watch at any time after that, so please feel free to join later and to share it with others. We will sing a few Christmas songs and I will share a little Christmas homily. It should be fun.

The predicted winter storm arrived a bit earlier than forecast. It was supposed to be here overnight, but as we walked out of church Thursday night, the snow was falling. The temperatures we already in the 20s and the wind was whipping. Brrrr.

It is supposed to be -6 overnight and a high of 3 degrees today. Wow! What a change.

Odie captured a few pictures this week. I will give them to you below, along with some commentary.

My cousin Gerald and his wife, Debbie stopped by with Christmas for us. 

My gift was frozen cabbage rolls from the sauerkraut festival in Waynesville the second week of October. That is really planning ahead. I failed to get pictures before I ate them, but suffice it to say I was very pleased with that Christmas present.

Odie had a special afternoon with two cousins, Stephanie and Lisa.

We were scheduled to preach at Anchor of Hope in Lebanon for Pastor EJ Lamb on Wednesday. It is always a joy to be with them and this visit was no exception. We enjoyed singing some Christmas songs and preaching.

Thursday night we were at Dryden Rd, our home church. We were blessed to hear Bro. JR Alexander preach and to get to sing with Sis. Teresa Alexander. They are now Pastoring in Mississippi and we miss getting to see them much when we are home.

As I said, today and tomorrow are going t obe exceptionally cold. We are planning to be out an about with family Saturday, but hopefully, we can stay inside today. We definitely have the heat turned up a little higher. Praise God for electricity and money to pay the bill. There have been times when both were in short supply.😍🙌

Thank you for stopping by today. Stay warm and have a super great Christmas.



  1. BroDavy, shall be joining Y'all on Christmas morning for sure, Thanks - YoFrankie.

    1. That is great news! See you then!😇😍


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