
Saturday, September 3, 2022

My Gratitude Is Bubbling

Note From Davy: We are setting up the tent in Alabama this morning as Odie mentions later. Please help us pray the rain out of the forecast. God has done it for us many times before and we are believing Him to do it again. Thank you

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from the road. 

Thomasville Tent Revival
Today is tent setup day. I am excited about what God has in store for this week. We covet your prayers today for the setup! Also, please pray for us during this revival! I am expecting great and mighty things to happen this week! We look forward to sharing praise reports with you soon!

Here are a few of the things that I am praying for this week. Good weather without any storms. Lost souls to find Christ as their Savior. Dad to have amazing strength this week and to be healed completely. First Assembly members to be blessed and encouraged like never before.

You are invited to join us for Tent Revival at First Assembly in Thomasville, Alabama. Tent Revival begins Sunday night. The services are Sunday night thru Friday night. We will be looking for you!

It's Bubbling
My heart is full to overflowing today. I feel like the singing the kid's song,
It's Bubbling.

It's bubbling It's bubbling
It's bubbling in my soul
I'm singing and shouting
Since Jesus made me whole
Some folks don't understand it
But I can't keep it quiet
It's bubbling bubbling bubbling
Bubbling day and night

Why am I so happy? As I type this post, we are just a couple days since the camp meeting ended at Dryden Road. Wow, amazing and incredible are just a few words describing Indoor 2022 for me.

Fellowshipping with the saints of God was wonderful! It was exciting to gather with many friends again. The highlight of the meeting this year was the presence of God in every service! I wish all of you could have been there too!

God anointed the preachers to deliver the word of the Lord to us. My soul was challenged, encouraged and recharged. The Lord poured out His power in amazing ways! I received the help I was looking for during the meeting. I was also blessed to see my friends and family getting their help from God!

It is genuinely impossible for me to put into words just what happened during the campmeeting. You just have to take my word for it! My heart is thankful that I could experience God's move firsthand!

I listen to and watch services all the time. I am thankful for technology that allows me to be part of meetings virtually! I have felt God watching and listening in to services every week, but nothing compares to being under the spout where the glory is pouring out!

During the Holy Ghost filled services of campmeeting, I was reminded of how grateful that I am for my life! I am blessed to experience the power of God! I never want to take the moving of the spirit of God for granite.

I praise God for His mighty acts! Thank you, God, for hearing my heart's cry! You answered my prayer and visited me personally. Thank you for allowing me to feel you so near me!

I will conclude with the words of another song that is playing in my soul, God Is So Good. This song echo's what I am feeling on the inside!

God is so good 
God is so good
God is so good
He's so good to me

Thanks for visiting with me! I hope and pray you feel God in a special way! Praise the Lord with me! I know He has been good to you as well.



  1. So ready to see y’all!

    1. Hey Friend!!!
      Looking forward to seeing you!

  2. Odie, it was such a wonderful series of meetings! I’m so thankful I was able to be there too!! Blessings during your tent revival!! Sharon Bush

    1. Sharon,
      I’m thrilled you were able to join us this year!! Always wonderful to be in service with you! Love you!


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