
Saturday, September 17, 2022

Believing The Words of Jesus

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from Mississippi. Thanks for stopping by to visit with me. I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend. By God's grace, we are doing well. 

Answered Prayers
Thank you for your friendship and prayers. Many of you faithfully pray for our family! We greatly appreciate every single prayer! God hears and answers those prayers!

We felt your prayers during our tent revival in Thomasville, Alabama! Several times that week, I paused and thanked God for His extra strength. I could feel His help. I also witnessed my Dad's renewed strength to make it through the week. We had a great time during the revival!

When last Saturday rolled around, we were tired and ready for rest. Inside, my heart was full of joy! God has been so good to us once again! I must praise Him for answering our prayers.

Richton Tent Revival 
Today is tent setup day in Richton. Please continue to pray for us! Here are some things on my prayer list for this week. 
-Today's setup to go safely and smoothly. 
-The weather to be clear of storms. 
-My parent's physical strength to be renewed daily! 
-Lost souls to find Jesus. 
-The saints to be encouraged and healed.

We love being with Pastor Scott Morris and our friends at Richton First Assembly! God always meets us in powerful ways here. Our tent revivals here over the years have been extra special. I expect more of the same and better things in Richton Tent Revival 2022!

This week, you are invited to join us at the City Park in Richton, Mississippi. Revival is scheduled for Sunday night thru Thursday night at 7:00. Come experience what God has planned for us!

Believing The Words of Jesus
I was planning a fun blog for today, but my mind is going in another direction. My other post will have to wait for another week. I can not get a scripture off my heart.

In my devotions last week, I read John chapter 14. It is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible. I feel Jesus speaking right into my soul every time I read those words. I love the words written in red that were spoken by our Savior!

This chapter is full of hope and promise. Jesus said these words, and I know without a doubt we can take Him at His word. Jesus went away to prepare a place for us. We can join Him there soon!

He promised us peace and comfort. Jesus also said that He would pray for us. I am awed every time that I think about Jesus praying for me!

Dad often quotes this passage from John 14:12-14. I have heard the verses all of my life. I believe them with my whole heart, but they have been burning in my heart for days.

12..Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 
13And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
 14. ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Friends, you and I can believe the words of Jesus today! We can believe for God to do the impossible and it will be done. Jesus said He will do it. It is not a maybe or a possibility, but it is a definite I will do it.

We can not command God to work how or exactly when we think He should do things for us! We have been given the right to believe and ask for Him to move in our lives. He has a purpose and a plan for each of us! 

Do I see the answers to all my prayers right now? No, but my faith is renewed for today! We must keep believing and asking! Never give up faith! He is at work in our needs this moment!

I know this my seem like a broken record. I often write on this topic of believing and trusting God, but these are important topics in my life. I have found encouragement again in the words of Jesus. I  hope these word put a spring in your step today!

God Bless,



  1. Amen!! Great post Odie. See you down the road

    1. Thank you. I’m looking for you every week.

  2. Loved your post, Sis. Odie! I have to remind myself of the goodness of God and how many prayers He HAS answered for me! He still works miracles and answers prayers!

    1. Hadassah,
      Thank you! God’s goodness is amazing!


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