
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Lord Is My Strength!

It began with a Pastor asking us to preach both services on a Sunday near home. Awesome we can do that.

Then another Pastor in the next town up asked for the following Monday-Friday. That would make it Sunday-Friday at two churches not that far apart. Yep, we can do that.

Then the first Pastor called back and asked to change from two services on Sunday to Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. I said yes without even thinking about the implications of now preaching Friday-Friday. Duh!

On Thursday, our Pastor asked us to preach that night. I did not hesitate to say, "Yes" because he is my Pastor. Now, we were scheduled for Thursday plus eight more days.

At some point in the mix, another church as us to preach the following Sunday night and I said yes without even thinking about it. Duh Again!

After preaching Thursday night at home church and then Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning, we did not get home in time to go to home church Sunday night. So we slipped into a church four miles from home and the Pastor asked me to preach that night.

Are you keeping track? Evidently, I was not keeping good track either.😍

At that point, we still had five nights of revival ahead of us and then rest Saturday and preach Sunday night. Except it did not work that way. Sunday morning, our Pastor asked me to preach again so you have to add in the second Sunday morning.

This is how it ended up. 
Eleven days
Twelve services
Twelve sermons
A bunch of singing
Five cities
Five churches 
And one day of not preaching.

That was absolutely normal for us in times past, but way out of reach in my current physical condition. But, by God's grace, we made it and we were able to finish strong. We enjoyed wonderful services and watched God touch His people in amazing ways.

Am I tired? Yes, tired right down in my bones. Yet, I am rejoicing that we were able to do it. KJo worked so hard and Odie sang like an angel and God stood near us at each service. Praise God!!

Thank the Lord for His help, His strength and His power! Hallelujah! We are climbing and gaining and will prevail by His touch! Please keep praying for us.

Thank you for spending a few moments with us. We always appreciate that.



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