
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Re-Remembering Good Things

We have many fond memories of God's blessings during the shutdown and confusion of 2020 and during our seven months at home and all that came with it in 2021. We can trace the fingerprints of God's goodness toward us every single step of the way.

I like to think about it all. I love to reminisce of His tenderness to us and rehearse for Kelly Jo and Odie the way that God brought us through. We talk about it a lot and it shows up in my preaching when I am glorifying God. It is good stuff and I think I will remember it for many years to come.

Yet, there is a paradox in my mind. There are many events and happenings of 2020 and 2021 that are fuzzy in my memories. How can this be?

I am not ringing an alarm. I do not think there is something nefarious going on in my brain. I do think maybe that the stress of some of these times might have been weighing on me more than I realized.

Mile Markers serve as a journal for me personally and a record that we can look back and remember what has taken place in our family and in our ministry. 

I told KJo last night, "I have discovered several well written Mile Markers on a variety of topics that I have no memory of assembling in my mind, writing or posting."

I have been scrolling through months of posts from the last two years and I am finding some events that have existed around the edges of my mind. Now I can see them clearly with the help of Mile Markers. I am also finding some interesting posts that I have no memory of writing.

A post that appears on Mile Markers in the morning before most people wake up, does not suddenly spring from my fingertips to the keyboard and out to the electrical interweb. It has usually percolated in my head for hours or days and then is painstakingly written and rewritten and rewritten until it is somewhat cohesive and readable.

How could I forget writing about some of those topics? 

Rather than wallow in self doubt and sink into despair, I have been enjoying reading through 2020 and 2021 Mile Makers and refreshing my mind with events and interesting thoughts.😁

Some of the posts are pretty good. If I have trouble remembering that I wrote them, then it may also be true that many of you may not remember ever reading them. I may repost some of the Mile Markers that I am finding and hopefully they may stick this time.

Not today, I have written enough for today, but maybe soon. Thank you for stopping by today.


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