
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Thankful For Friends

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting from the home front in Waynesville, Ohio. First, I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I feel extra thankful this year! God has been so good to us!

Last Sunday we concluded our fall tour. As I reflect on the events of the tour, I thanked God for allowing us to have a great time on our trip. My heart overflowed with gratitude!

The night we arrived in Ohio, I was excited to get home. It was so good to be in my beach cottage! I could not sleep, which I did not enjoy. It was my gratitude for my friends that kept me awake. Our friends are so special to us. I know we have been blessed beyond measure with incredible friends!

This circle on the road took us to several different states. We traveled thousands of miles. Experience the presence of God in every service. The highlight of this trip for me was being reunited with so many friends!

Today I decided to take you on a friend review in pictures. These pictures were taken from August 27- November 13th. There is no way I could feature everybody that we were able to see during this time span.  All of these pictures and many more have been featured here previously. These pictures made me smile as I scanned my camera roll reflecting on our trip.

Our first stop for our fall trip was beautiful Lowell Vermont. It was the perfect way to kick off our tour and see friends.

Then it was time to journey to Maine. We have a wonderful time in this breathtaking state.

The Boston Massachusettes area has been on our favorites list for years. That opinion did not change with our recent visit. We love being at Bethel Revival Center.

A West Virginia and Virginia stop was not originally in our fall schedule. God had another plan for us. This schedule change was exactly what we needed!

First Assembly is a regular stop for the Boggsmobile. We are excited every time we get to be with our friends in Richton, Mississippi!

Alabama was the next place to see friends along the way. It was so good to see so many great people during our time there.

Oklahoma has been part of my life since I was four. We have countless friends in this great state. I can not tell you how great it was to reconnect with so many long time friends!

Wichita, Kansas holds a special place in our hearts. This city is also home to several of our friends. We were blessed to have many friends visit us from Oklahoma that week too.

We made another stop in Oklahoma. It was a huge blessing to be with so many friends at Crosslight Chapel! 

Then the BoggsMobile brought us to our final state on the schedule for this trip. We had two stops in Kentucky they were both enjoyable and it was a great way to wrap up our fall tour.

Thanks for visiting with me today and for being one of my dear friends.  



  1. Love you Odie! So thankful that the Lord allowed our paths to cross. You are one of my “special” friends, and I always look forward to, and enjoy seeing you. Sure wish it could be more often!

    1. Esther,
      I love you, my special friend! You are a bright spot in my life. I am so glad for every time we talk or see each other!


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