
Thursday, November 11, 2021

A Clean Bill of Health ... For The BoggsMobile

We have our engine oil professionally analyzed after every oil change in the BoggsMobile. This is done as early detection of any internal engine trouble. A sudden appearance of certain metals or other substances in the oil can point to a problem that needs to be addressed before it is catastrophic.

The Detroit 60 Series engine in the BoggsMobile is a great engine with a proven track record of longevity, but we do not want to take unnecessary chances. If there is a problem, we would like to know as early as possible.

We have used different companies to analyze the oil, but we found one a few years ago that works great. I purchase the sample kits directly from a Catapiler dealer in Mississippi. 

When I have the oil changed, I have the mechanic capture a sample and I drop it in a postage paid bag, along with the pertinent information and it goes straight to the dealer.

The Catapiler dealer network handles literally hundreds of fluid samples each week. They have a guy there that does nothing else. He packages everything and overnights them to a professional analysis company and then emails me the results within a day or two.

He not only sends me the official report, but also interprets the information for me in a personal email. The information he gives me and the effort he puts into it are invaluable to me.

The oil sample is normally taken at oil change and the oil needs to be at operating temperature. I neglected to bring it up to temperature for my last oil change. I pulled in the night before and then cranked up in the morning and pulled inside. The oil was very cold.

When the sample results came back he noticed something a little out of line. I told him that I neglected to get the engine up to operating temperatures and he figured that was the problem. He asked for a sample at about 7500 miles to be sure.

There are two ways to get a sample in between oil changes. Number one is to get under the bus, drain a gallon or so of oil and capture a sample from that. Unfortunately without a pit or lifts, that is not going to happen.

I could park next to a ditch with plenty of room to get underneath. However, the oil is hot and it would be difficult and probably dangerous to get the plug back into the oil pan. I might end up with the other nine gallons running on the ground and creating an EPA superfund site.

The second method is to insert a tube down into the dipstick and use a purpose-designed hand pump and extract the sample. Either way, the oil must be up to operating temperature.

While traveling from Moore, Oklahoma to Paducah, Kentucky last week, we pulled into the Missouri Welcome Center on I-44 near Joplin. I stopped there to rest an hour or two AND to pull the sample. 

Sorry, no pictures, our hands were kind of full!😍

After I shut down the engine, KJo helped me pull a sample through the dipstick. I filled in all of the information and then we dropped the postage paid bag into a USPS drop at the Petro on the next exit

This week we received good news. The sample looks great and we are good to continue down the road to the next oil change. It is always a relief to get a good report! Whew!

Each sample costs about $20 but the peace of mind is worth every last penny of it!

Praise God for the good news! I love sharing good news! Thank you for reading today.


BoggsMobile = 1995 Prevost XL Vantare Conversion

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