
Monday, October 18, 2021

Revival In Pictures-Sand Springs, Oklahoma

Our revivals for the next several weeks will run from midweek service through Sunday night so Mondays will be Revival In Pictures through the middle of November.

Wow! Wow! Wow! What an amazing meeting this has been. We are praising God for His help and strength each and every night. Hallelujah! We are thankful that Pastor Darrell Toliver invited us again this year.

Odie captured some great pictures of friends here at Bethany and several great pictures of friends visiting us. We have had a wonderful meeting and we hope that comes through in the smiling faces.

Bethany's meeting would normally include days services and meals and even larger crowds. In the abundance of caution, they have eliminated the day services with the exception of the Sunday morning service and a meal following. 

We have enjoyed the whole meeting very much!

I hope you enjoy the Revival In Pictures.

First, an incredible goody bag from Sis. April Toliver filled with Trader Joe's.

The picture below was captured by Bro. David Eldrige.

Thank you for dropping in for Revival In Pictures. See you soon.



  1. BroDavy, it was certainly so nice seeing the Kites again, really miss them since they've moved back to her home from Virginia. Thank-YOU for sharing these lovely photos, indeed so beautiful & I'm so happy for You & Yours working with GOD always, YoFrankie.

    Frank Shiflett

    1. Thank you, Bro. Frankie. Yes! It was wonderful to see the Kite family again. They are great folks.



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