
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

As Thy Days So Shall Thy Strength Be

I mentioned last week, that I had not done very well with our schedule on this stretch. We are trying to ease into our normal road life, but during this space of time, I packed meetings in pretty tight. 

We are busier in this three-week stretch than we need to be. I have done better the rest of the year, but we have to get through this first.

We have now made it about halfway through the over-scheduled patch and I am holding up OK. I was way more tired than I should have been Monday, but no more tired than I expected. I rested as much as I could during the day and pulled through by God's grace.

Honestly, it could be a bit discouraging not to be as strong as I have been and as strong as I need to be, but I can see the hand of God all along the way. He promised in His Word

...As thy days so shall thy strength be... Deuteronomy 33:25

God is true to His Word, friends. Hallelujah!

I do not have as much strength as I would like, but I have enough for each day. I believe that God will continue to provide the strength that I need as I need it.

Thank you all for praying. Please keep it up. God sees, God knows, God hears and God answers!



  1. I thought of 2 Corinthians 12:9 as I read this. Continued prayers for you my friend as you continue on this road of recovery working for Him.

  2. I thought of 2 Corinthians 12:9 as I read this. Continued prayers for you my friend as you continue on this road of recovery working for Him.


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