
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

That Does Not Even Look Good On Paper!

I take great comfort in having our schedule in a neat little box with a nice little bow. I like knowing we have places to go and work scheduled for the coming weeks and months. We are very thankful that people want us to sing and preach in their churches. When they quit asking, we will need to find something else to do.

Obviously, in 2020 and 2021, normal schedules have flown out the window for nearly every profession. We have never had to cancel more revivals. Wow! 

During my weeks of sickness and during most of the months of recovery, I was too sick to worry about a schedule. I was glad to schedule a wake up alarm AND then be around to turn it off.

As I began to mend, I was thrilled to know that churches on our schedule still wanted us to come when we could. Hallelujah! Churches that we had cancelled, some of them two years in a row, wanted back on the schedule and that made us smile too.

Now, how do we get going again and ease back into a sprint to the finish line? I came up with a plan after much though and advice from good men.

As you may have noticed IF you have looked at our schedule page, most of our revivals for the rest of the year begin midweek and run through Sunday night. We have purposely scheduled this way to give us a little more travel time between meetings and maybe a bit more rest as well.

In 2022 we will begin revivals on Sunday morning and run through midweek for most meetings. Some meetings will be all week because they are special meetings that always schedule the whole week such as Homecomings.

We normally have revival Sunday morning through Friday night most weeks and we eventually want to get back to that. We are hoping the shortened revivals will help me preserve strength until I am closer to normal durability.

The next twelve days looks more like old times, unfortunately.😍

We will be preaching outdoors under the pavilion here at First Assembly in Richton, MS Wednesday through Friday. We will be off Saturday and then preach Homecoming here Sunday morning. We are anxious to get outside again for revival and the weather looks great!

Sunday afternoon, we will load up, drive the bus to Midway Assembly near St. Stephens, Alabama, set everything up and preach fellowship meeting there Sunday night through Tuesday. Then we will drive a short distance to Thomasville, Alabama and preach there Wednesday and Thursday.

After that, we have two long days of driving and then three days to get to Oklahoma. The Oklahoma drive should be a breeze if I survive the next twelve days.🤣

I can hear my girls saying now, "That does not even look good on paper!" Hehe!

Honestly, we are thrilled that people still want us to come at all. 
We are praising God for that!

Thank you for enjoying the ride with us, friends. We appreciate you.



  1. BroDavy, Thank-YOU for the ride and by all means shall always appreciate You & Yours also forever&ever, the Shifletts.

    Frank Shiflett

  2. I wonder where that special service is?

  3. Thank you to the Boggs Family! So enjoy and am tremendously blessed by your ministry. Looking forward to you driving to KS. I am excited!!! Love to you all!

    1. We should be there before you know it, friend!
      Davy, Kelly and Odie


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