
Thursday, September 2, 2021

It Is Like Riding A Bicycle, Right?

Yeah, it is like riding a bicycle.

You know the saying, right? Someone says, "I have not done that in a while." "That is OK" another person replies. "It is like riding a bicycle. Once you know how to do it, you got it. Climb on and it will all come back to you."

Yeah right!

We have driven the BoggsMobile well over 200,000 miles. 
We have hooked up a car to the bus hundreds of times.
We have pulled into truckstops hundreds of times. 
We have labored over the map, GPS and Google Maps hundreds of times.
We have driven through major cities hundreds of times.
We have navigated around mountains and through small towns hundreds of times.
We have pulled into church parking lots and parked hundreds of times.
We have leveled the bus hundreds of times.
We have hooked up the electricity hundreds of times.
We have emptied the holding tanks hundreds of times.
We have unhooked all of the utilities hundreds of times.
We have unloaded the sound equipment hundreds of times.
We have carried the sound equipment into churches and under tents hundreds of times.
We have hooked it all up and had soundcheck hundreds of times.
We have sung and preached hundreds of times.
We have carried the equipment out hundreds of times.
We have loaded it all in the BoggsMobile hundreds of times.
We have said goodbye and driven into the sunset OR sunrise hundreds of times.

Do you have the picture yet?

AND when I say hundreds of times, I am being conservative. Some of the items on that list easily number in the thousands of times.

Yet, here we are.
After 203 days at home. Nearly seven months off the road. Over 1/2 of the year NOT doing all those things we have done hundreds and even thousands of times and we feel like newbies! 

It is like riding a bicycle, right? Get on and it will all come back to you. Do not fret about it. You have got this!

It is like riding a bicycle. Yes, it is. 

Yeah, it is like riding a bicycle ... and falling off! Ouch!

I should have remembered. I have the scars to prove it. 

I have no doubt that I rode a bicycle many hundreds of miles as a kid. I jumped on the bike and went. However, I have scars on my hands, elbows, legs, head and back to prove that not all my hundreds of miles of bike riding went as smoothly as most of them.

Yeah, it is like riding a bicycle ... and falling off! 

But, you get back up, dust yourself off, wipe away the blood and tears, get on the bike and ride again.

Life is a challenge, like riding a bicycle. That must be why I am so sore this morning.

Thank you for joining us for a few minutes today. Do not panic. We are fine. I am only waxing a smidgen dramatic today.😊



  1. BroDavy, whatever You do just be sure You keep the pedal to the metal for GOD & all shall be well even if You do it a trillion times, just can't do it enough, YoFrankie.

    Frank Shiflett

    1. Thank you, Bro. Frankie. I appreciate the encouragement!


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