
Thursday, September 16, 2021

A Short Mission Update

I mentioned on August 3 that Bro. Shobanke was building a new sanctuary for one of the branch churches in Abeokuta. You can read that post HERE if you like.

Before we left home near the end of August, we were able to get a substantial offering into the hands of someone that was visiting Bro. Shobanke in September. 

Along with a good offering for the building program, we were also able to help with the salaries for the leadership of GoodNews Christian School. We try to help supplement those salaries each year and we were happy to get the money in their hands.

Bro. Shobanke called me last week to let me know he had received the money and it was already being applied to the intended uses. Praise God!

Although we budget money from our income for missions each month, there is no way we could send the amount we do without help. Certain churches and individuals have been faithful to help us help our brothers and sisters in Nigeria. We are so thankful for that.

We believe that God is aware of how all of us spend and how we give. Sometimes He may direct us to give and sometimes He may allow us to give as we are able or as we desire. What a blessed joy it is to give into His kingdom and to His people.

The people in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, West Africa thank you.
AND we thank you!

Thank for reading too.


1 comment:

  1. Always always a most joy to give to GOD !~! & to be able to......

    Frank Shiflett


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