
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Thirteen Services

As you know, the North Carolina trip last week was not only a chance for us to scratch our road itch, but it was a test and we are still evaluating the results.

We were gone seven days, attended thirteen services of camp meeting and sang in every one of them. We led singing in at least one service each morning and all five nights. We sang a special song in nearly every service and sang at the altar service too.

How did I do physically?

Well, overall, I think that I did pretty good. I took some precautions and I believe they helped. 
-We did not add in the stress of taking the bus.
-We allowed two full days to drive there in the Jeep.
-I did not attend the early morning prayer meetings. 
-I did not sing long and hard as I often do. 
-We went straight to the hotel after lunch and rested even if I could not sleep.
-We went straight back to the hotel every night and I was in bed by 10:30 most nights.
-We also took the partially foldable stationary bike and kept that discipline every day.

By Wednesday my body was wishing it was Friday, but by Friday I was feeling new strength and we were able to finish strong.

There is one precaution that we eventually dismissed to my own hurt. We had decided not to make the 470-500 mile trip home in one day, but we began thinking about the yard needing to be mowed, became anxious to be at home church on Sunday and we drove it all in spite of our good intentions. Ugh!

I have come to regret that detour from our plan. I felt kind of rough Sunday and I felt even more rough Monday. I was able to ride the exercise bike and to do the things  I needed to do Monday, but I was feeling Saturday's miles.

At least I think it was the miles. It is possible that the whole week piled on top of the miles got me, but I suspect the miles.

Like I said, overall, I did pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised I was able to attend and sing in every service, but part of that is because we determined not to do anything else at all. Also, Kelly Jo was instrumental in helping me in deciding the best way to approach things and in guiding me once the decisions were made.

I am quite sure that I am not able to preach every night yet, but I am a whole lot closer than I have been in months. That is exciting, but I am trying to temper my excitement with common sense which is not all that common for me.

Yesterday, I checked the oil, coolant and tire pressure on the BoggsMobile. I can hardly wait to take it out and run it a few hundred miles this week if the weather cooperates. I am grinning from ear to ear. 

We are hoping to keep our fall schedule as it is, with only the tent revivals in question at this point. Tent revivals are a completely different animal from church revivals and I will have to be in my best shape to pull off a tent revival.

We will see.

Thank you for stopping by for a few moments today.


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