
Saturday, June 12, 2021

Friendships Orchestrated By God

 Hey Friends,

This Odie checking with you. I hope you are doing well today. Thanks for choosing to spend a moment of your busy day here.

Today I wanted to tell you about some pretty special people. Before I introduce you to my dear friends, I need to give you some information to set up my post.

This all began over thirty years ago. When I was very small, my parents worked in a local church. I only have a handful of memories from our time there. But I remember clearly a family that came to visit. The Lakes family were great people. Their three girls were older than me and they could sing so good. I thought those girls (Sarah, Bethany and Rebecca) were wonderful! They left a big impression on my little mind.

Little did I know. that they were actually my cousins. Also over time, they would become some of my greatest friends. Time went on and we ended up growing up together and attending the same church. We did so many things together through the years. We collected many memories that still bring a smile to my face.

It was a privilege to watch Sarah, Bethany, and Rebecca become awesome women! They were wonderful examples for me to follow! Also, they always passed their cool clothes to me! It was an exciting time for me when I got a bag of clothes from them. I already knew that they would be modest and cute!

I am still watching as God blesses my friends and their families! I am thrilled to see how God has directed their lives to this point! Each of the ladies has been blessed with great spouses, Rodney Boyd, Philip Hoskins and Brandon James. The sisters have seven awesome children between them. Their names are Grace Boyd, Bryson, Avery, Emerson, Clayton Hoskins, Ava and Brylee James. They have walked through extremely hard times in life, but the faith and dedication to God are steadfast!

Today our friendships remain strong. My friends have supported me in prayers, encouragement and anywhere else they possibly could this year. I appreciate them more than they could ever know! 

In fact, a lot of the big moments in my life, both good and bad, The Lakes family have been there cheering me on and praying for me. I am grateful for their constant friendship! 

I am so thankful that God allowed me to connect with my friends at an early age. I believe God orchestrated my friendship with these ladies! I am grateful for the impact that they have had on my life! Sarah, Bethany and Rebecca, thanks for being my friends! I love you all so much. I will forever cherish the bond that we share.

I will close with a few pictures from my collection. I do not have pictures from our younger days. Thanks for reading. I will see you next week.


This picture was taken in August 2018, Rebecca, Sarah, Bethany, Avery and Odie.

This picture was taken in October 2019, Rodney, Sarah, Grace Boyd and Odie.

The rest of these pictures were taken this spring. pictured below is Dad and Pastor Philip Hoskins.

Odie and Bethany at the church she and her husband pastor.

Grace, Sarah, Odie, Rebecca and Ava.

Odie and Rebecca.

Sarah, Odie and Grace.

Ava, Brylee, Rebecca and Brandon James.

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