
Monday, May 10, 2021

A Little Splash of Color At The Beach Cottage

The last week has been a whirlwind of activity and we feel like a lot was accomplished. I have already told you about most of it and the rest of it will slip through the tips of my fingers onto the electrical interweb in the coming days.

I do have something I want to tell you about today.

We have been intending to purchase some furniture for Odie's porch. Last spring we were home, but nothing was open due to COVID. This year everything is open, but we could not go anywhere because we had COVID. 

There are three huge weekend flea markets in our area and one of them has the furniture we wanted so KJo and I went there one Saturday morning. The parking lot was slammed like Christmas week so we did not even go through the gate. I was not excited to be in that big of a crowd.

We went to a local place that sells it and we experienced sticker shock. We could not believe the prices. KJo and Odie went to a place with Kelly's parents three counties away (Near her parent's home) and the prices were better.

The selection was not very good, color-wise, and they were about five months behind on special orders. Wow! We took Dad's truck down last week to another place in the same county and their selection was great and their prices were even better.

They had many different styles and we are able to zero in on which ones were comfortable and which ones were not. We did not know there was so much variety.

Sticking to Odie's beach cottage theme, she wanted some brightness and color in her porch furniture. She chose a white glider and a yellow chair and a red chair. We purchased all three for about the same price as a glider in this area. Excellent!

The white glider was the absolute best sitting piece that they had. And it was also the cheapest glider. How often does that happen? The chairs fold up for easier storage when we are gone for long periods of time. 

Odie loves to sit on the west porch. In the heat of the day, it is shaded. In the cool of the evening, she gets some of the sun's rays as it is setting. 

Of course, that porch is covered by cameras all the time, just in case she goes to courting out there.😁

Odie captured some pictures while we were shopping and unloading.

I predict that Odie will spend some wonderful hours sitting there on that porch. That was the whole plan behind building porches on the house. I wanted her to be able to enjoy the outside without the problems of taking her wheelchair in the grass.

Eventually, we plan to build a deck across the back of the house to give her even more room to roam. With a deck and a sidewalk on the garage side, she will be able to go all the way around. Then she may start racing in circles!

Thank you for reading Mile Markers today. We sure appreciate it.


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