
Saturday, March 6, 2021

Preach The Word

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in with you. I hope you are having a fabulous weekend. Thanks for visiting with me here for a few moments.

For the last four or five weeks, I have been pondering the lyrics of a fabulous song written by our good friend Bro. Jim Davis. He is an extremely talented musician, singer and songwriter. 

Bro. Jim and his wife Sis. Darla are precious people. I am honored to call them my friends. They both work in the music department at Riverdale Assembly in California.

We love getting to be with them whenever and wherever we can cross paths. I also enjoy getting to see them during the online services from Riverdale Assembly. You can click here to see those services.

This is the chorus that keeps rolling over in my heart. I had to share it with you. Preach The Word is probably my favorite Jim Davis song. He wrote this song several years ago, but the message still rings true for 2021.

Preach the word preach the cross
Preach redemption to a lost and dying world
Lift your voice unashamed of the Gospel of His name
Until all have heard preach the word
Each of us has a special job to do.

Now more than ever we need to share the word of God with the world. I want to purpose to spread the word unashamedly. I desire to be a messenger of hope. We live in a dark world. The Gospel is the light that everyone around us needs to see shining today.

We do not have to be a preacher with a platform to spread the good news. Our lives can reflect this message of Christ. Our attitudes and conversation with others have the ability to draw people to God or turn them away. My hope and prayer is that others can see the love of God in my life. I want my actions to Preach the Word.

A while back I had a God ordained meeting with a lady. I was scheduled for an appointment via video call. I was assigned to this lady randomly, or so we thought. It was definitely not a "random" meeting.

We were doing this appointment via video call and as I answered the routine questions. This lady and I began having our own conversation.

The door opened and I was able to briefly share some of my testimony. She has a family member that needs a miracle and my life and testimony encouraged this lady to believe that her family member could receive a miracle.

When the call came to a close, we were both encouraged. It was evident to both of us that God had brought us together for a purpose. Dad had preached about divine providence the night before my call. I was amazed to see God working divine providence for me that day. It was an incredible feeling.

That very special moment made me hungry to look for more "random" ways to tell others what God has done for me. It may even push me out of my comfort zone. Sharing what He has done in my life is an amazing feeling. I encourage you to try it too!

I will leave you with the full lyrics of Preach The Word. Gold City Quartet recorded this song many years ago. They did an outstanding job delivering the song's message. Click here to see them performing the song at the National Quartet Convention.

Thanks for reading as I share what is on my heart. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I pray God blessed you abundantly!


Preach the Word

Words and Music by Jim E. Davis 
Centergy Music Group

Verse 1
Paul was weary on his journey
His body frail and weak
The apostle knew the end was near
As he dipped his pen in ink
He wrote Timothy my son
You have fought the fight of faith
Carry on what I've begun
But most of all I pray


Preach the word preach the cross
Preach redemption to a lost and dying world
Lift your voice unashamed of the Gospel of His name
Until all have heard preach the word

Verse 2
Paul and Timothy are gone now
But the letter still remains
And the mission that was written down
Calls out to us today
Lift the name of Jesus higher
Until the whole world knows
The story of amazing grace
We are messengers of hope

Preach the word preach the cross
Preach redemption to a lost and dying world
Lift your voice unashamed of the Gospel of His name

Chorus and Tag
Preach the word preach the cross
Preach redemption to a lost and dying world
Lift your voice unashamed of the Gospel of His name
Until all have heard preach the word (preach the word, preach the word) preach the word preach the word preach the word) preach the word (preach the word preach the word) preach the word

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