
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Declaring the End From the Beginning

I know it is easy to skip over scripture references and get into the meat of an article, but please humor me on this one. Take a moment to read this passage and let it sink in before rushing down the page.

Isaiah 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

God knows what is going to happen long before it happens and way before we have a clue. He knows how you are going to be affected and He knows what you need right now to prepare you for what you are going to face in the future! Wow! What an amazing God!

He has proven that to me all over again the last several weeks. God spoke into our troubled souls before we ever knew we were troubled. He provided step by step directions before we knew we would need directions.

The last five nights of church before Odie and I tested positive for COVID, we had a revival in the BoggsMobile at rest areas and truck stops between Livingston, Texas and Bernice, Louisiana. Actually, Monday through Thursday was in the bus and Friday we recorded a singalong in a church.

I have been looking over the sermons I preached Monday through Thursday. Honestly, I have been amazed at the things that God was speaking straight to me while I was trying to preach to others. Thursday was on a different subject, but the first three nights gave us specific directions.

On Monday night I preached on The Incredible Value of The Christian Life.

Tuesday night I preached on Something to Believe In.

Wednesday night I preached on Contrary Winds.

I had never preached any of those sermons before. Each day, I was directed to the scriptures and hammered out each point and spent several hours pulling the sermon together. 

It was so fun preaching these new sermons that week. It seemed that God's Word was flowing freely and fully and I enjoyed it tremendously. I was certain God was speaking. I did not know that I was His intended target.

I do not have time to go through each sermon with you here, but the first three sermons were chocked full of statements and Bible verses that were exactly what I needed someone to remind me of the last six weeks.

Here are just a few of the points.

The life you are living for Christ is more valuable than you can see right now.
God is going to move in glorious ways for you and it will prove the value of living for Him.
When there is nothing else to believe in, you can believe Christ.
God may be using this storm.
God has been helping you the whole time.
This storm will not last forever.

Listen, friends, God was talking right to my heart. He spoke those words to me weeks ago. I typed them into my notes. I preached them standing right here in this bus. I streamed them on YouTube and we heard from many folks that were blessed and encouraged. We praised God for His help.

But I did not know then, that God was going to use those words to bring help, strength and encouragement to me! Praise God for His foreknowledge and his foresight and his plan to help us way down the road!

What a blessing it is to serve our wonderful God. He knows, He sees, He cares and He works miracles! Hallelujah!

Thank you for joining us on Mile Markers today.



  1. Thank the Lord that He knows what we need and when we need it! What would we do without Him? It is all in His control so we can rest and trust in Him at all times!

    1. Amen, Sis!
      Thank you for reading and commenting.
      Davy and KJo


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