
Friday, January 1, 2021

Thinking About The New Year And What It Brings

Well, it is the very first day of 2021 and here we go! 

Will the new year be better than the year it replaces? No one knows that for sure, but one thing I can guarantee about 2021. It will be different! Every year brings new challenges and new life circumstances, but every year also brings new blessings.

God's Word says, "... as thy days, so shall thy strength be." As each day comes, there will strength for that day. We are not promised strength for tomorrow, but when tomorrow becomes today, God will provide the strength that you and I need for today!

He will also provide the direction we need WHEN we need it. Sometimes I want to see clearly many days, weeks or months in front of me. 

However, God did not promise He would light up my path so I could see way down the road. He did say His Word would be a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. The Psalmist said, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." That is like a flashlight one step at a time.

I may not see next June or next December clearly at all, but IF I will follow the light God gives me for the next step and the next step and the next step, then I will be exactly where He intends for me to be in six months and 12 months from now!

All of this requires trust. We must trust that God knows better than we do, sees more than we do and will work it all out much better than we ever could! God is trustworthy, friend. He is faithful and true!

Does that mean everything will be easy?

Does that mean everything will go according to our plan?

No and No. There is no easy way through this life and there is no foolproof plan. No one knows enough to plan things perfectly and no one gets an "easy" pass in life.

If you and I learned anything from 2020, we should have learned that we really know very little about how to handle the present and absolutely nothing about what is coming in the future. Hopefully, we have learned to make our plans loosely and always say, "If it is the Lord's will" or "By God's grace."

I am preaching to myself right here, my brothers and sisters and I am preaching good and right.😍

I love knowing what to expect. I do not like surprises in life. But I have been forcefully reminded in 2020, that my plans are best in God's hands! I am doing my best to buckle my seatbelt, roll with the punches and go with the flow.

We have already had our first changes to the 2021 schedule and we are just getting started. A Pastor text me this week and told me that COVID had made an appearance in their church. 

Thankfully, I was able to move another January revival into the week he was scheduled and shuffle his church a week later to give them extra time to get through the outbreak. Whew! That was close!😊

It really helps that almost everyone understands the complexity of all this stuff and they are willing to do whatever is necessary. I imagine the only completely inflexible people would be those that have not had to deal with this yet. Unfortunately, they will become more flexible eventually.

KJo and I seriously considered staying near home for a few months. We desire to stay safe ourselves and we certainly for not want to be an instrument that spreads the pandemic. We have never felt it was in our calling to spread the flu or anything else!

But this is what we are called and equipped to do. As we decided last summer, we feel obligated to try to be catalysts for revival the best way we can while doing it in the safest way possible.

There will be bumps in the road. There will be hiccups, delays, detours and cancelations. We are determined to go forward and deal with all the bangs and bruises as they come, the best that we can at the time.

If God has other plans, He is completely and totally welcome to lead the way, nudge us into a different lane or take the wheel out of our hands. He is God, He is God alone and He is God all by Himself without my help. AND I like it that way.

We appreciate you praying for us daily. Thank you. Please make sure you check and double check our schedule before driving any distance to be in service with us. I will do my best to keep it up to date.

Thank you for reading today too.


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