
Friday, November 27, 2020

Wichita, Kansas and Thanksgiving in Colorado

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving week. We sure enjoyed our week. We worked on videos most of the day Monday and Tuesday and I recorded a Thanksgiving sermon on Wednesday. You should begin seeing the videos we recorded this week by mid-December.

We recorded in a beautiful chapel!

We shared meals with Steve and Karen Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday and we cherished every moment with them and every morsel too!

This is a beautiful picture below! It would make a great advertisement.

We left Wichita Wednesday afternoon and traveled  427 miles by Thursday about noon Mountain time. Before we left Wichita, I lifted KJo up through the escape hatch and she made sure the Air Conditioner covers were secure. We have lost two along I-70 in Kansas and Colorado due to high winds.

Thankfully, we did not have to drive through snow, but there was snow on the grass for several miles in Kansas. This is the first snow we have seen this season and it is enough for me!

The BoggsMobile pulled into a familiar place at Flying J in Limon, Colorado and we enjoyed a good Thanksgiving meal across the interstate at the TA truck stop restaurant.

Friday is usually Revival In Pictures so we have one for you. Pastor EJ Lamb was joining us for service Tuesday night and Stella climbed up to watch with him. Sweet!

Today is set aside for bookwork! Tomorrow, by God's grace, we will finish the drive to Colorado Springs and get ready for revival to begin on Sunday morning. Pray for us.

Now that we are on Mountain time, I will try to post before I go to bed each night so the new Mile Marker will be up for the early risers in the east. Thank you for joining us on Mile Markers today.



  1. BroDavy, keep those wonderful Mile Markers coming for it's a sure way of knowing GOD, You & Yours, Thank-YOU !~!



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