
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Six Months-Davy Olamiposi Jesudunisn Bamidele

Note From Davy:
My Dad, Eugene Boggs, is in need of God's touch physically. We know that God is able to heal. An old, ongoing health issue has flared up this week and he needs a miracle. Thank you for praying

Six Months-Davy Olamiposi Jesudunisn Bamidele
Today is the first day of the last month of 2020 and gaining ground on 2021 very quickly. None of us know if the next year will be better than 2020, but we are hopeful AND prayerful!😁 As I mentioned before, there have been some great things in 2020 and I refuse to let them lie forgotten in the dark shadows.

Here is a bright spot in 2020.

Davy Olamiposi Jesudunisn Bamidele

I told you in May about a precious little baby being born to our Nigerian family. He was born May 5, 2020 to Bro. Samuel and Sis. Ruth Bamidele. Sis. Ruth is the daughter of my dearest friend, Bro. Shobanke. They gave their new baby boy the name Davy Olamiposi Jesudunisn Bamidele. 

We were delighted to hear the news of this baby boy and I am honored, thrilled and humbled for him to bear my name in his life.

Because of the pandemic, we were not able to travel to Nigeria in September as planned to visit our friends and to meet little Davy face to face. We hope and pray that day comes soon.

Recently we received pictures of little Davy taken last month to commemorate his six months. I was thrilled to see the pictures and I am thrilled to pass them on to you.

Little Davy, you were born into a troubled year, my small friend, but your smile brings a huge amount of joy to all of us!

That is a handsome young man if I have ever seen one!

Here are the pictures I received in May of his dedication one week after his birth.

Thank you for stopping in for a few minutes today. Please take time to pray for our friends in Nigeria.


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