
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Almost Left Behind

Hey Friends,
Happy Saturday, this is Odie reporting in today from Richton, Mississippi. I hope that your weekend is off to a terrific start. We are still enjoying life on the road, one adventure at a time.

We began our summer circle on the road on a Tuesday morning in mid-June. Except for a week in West Virginia in late May, I had grown accustomed to life at home and I knew I needed to shift into road gear.

I asked Dad to give me a one hour notice before our estimated time of departure. I knew that would be plenty of time for me to tie up my loose ends at home. It is important to note that when we set a "roll" time it IS roll time, not start heading for the door time.

Dad sent me a text Tuesday morning around 7:20 AM. The bus would drive up the lane and would stop by my house to pick me up around 9:30. The two hour notice of our departure time was great! I would not have any problem being ready and waiting to go in two hours.

I rolled over and set my alarm for 8:15. I did not want to be left behind for this entire circle! Well, I drifted off into a fantastic deep sleep. I was thrilled to have some good sleep before my day started.

I found myself in dreamland. It really was a wonderful dream. I was visiting with family and friends. COVID was over, because we could hug again!

My dream was suddenly over. I awoke to a nightmare. When I looked at my watch to see the time, it was now 9:04! I never heard my 8:15 alarm!

YIKES, I jumped into action. I was frantically speeding around my house. The bus was supposed to be rolling in less than thirty minutes. I could hear it warming up that very moment.

Could I make it out of the door on time? It was officially time to rush faster than ever! I quickly got myself dressed and got the necessary last minute things done.

My heart was racing so fast! I did not want the BoggsMobile to roll without me. I was successful. Soon the time came to officially be On The Road Again.

When I climbed onto the bus the clock said 9:29 AM. Friends, miracles do still happen in 2020! I was ready early! I breathed a huge sigh of relief! I would not be left behind. Then I could laugh about my crazy morning.

Have you been left behind? I would love to hear your stories in the comments. I know that there are some hilarious stories out there. I did not want to be left behind for a full circle. Running late was scary enough!

Well, I will close for now. Thanks for stopping by to visit with me.



  1. I usually keep the keys in my pocket, that way no one is going anywhere without me.
    Just simply stick with GOD & all shall be well for he'll always make a way for everything & everything shall come together for the GOOD, always...…...
    Love-Y'ALL !~!


    1. Frankie, thanks for the comment.
      Keeping the keys is a good way to insure that you are not left behind. I am thankful that we can rely on God to help us! I need His help all the time.


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