
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Bumper Remodel

We had another great service last night in Richton, Mississippi. Praise God for His help.

A Bumper Remodel
The BoggsMobile was due a small remodel and we finally got it done last week. Actually, the BoggsMobile needs lots of remodeling, but you have to begin somewhere. We began on the front bumper. There is nothing like starting at the beginning.
1995 Prevost XL
We have had an official license plate from the state of Ohio for over 12 years. When we put it on, we also purchased two custom frames and a mirrored plate from a store in Nashville. The frames had a lifetime guarantee, but by the time they faded and degraded, the Nashville store was destroyed in the big 2010 flood.

As of July 2020, the state of Ohio no longer requires a front license plate. The old front plate was looking warn and the mirrored plate was too. A change was in order. The frames have not looked good for years, but we left them on out of laziness I suppose. It was time to make the frames vanish.

I found these customizable plates on Amazon.

One evening, KJo helped me remove the frames and the old plates and install two new plates in their place. 

I love the MICROBUS plate! The Prevost Community plate has been in the window since 2014 or so. I may come up with something else for that spot, but it is fine for now.

The front plate on the Green Machine was a mess too. It takes a lot of abuse rolling behind the bus. How do you like this?

2006 Scion xB Envy Green
The old plates will hang on the wall in the barn when we get back to the ranch.

Only 45' of remodeling left to go.

Thank you for stopping in today.



  1. I was wondering who to call for a house remodel. Now I know! See you down the road.

    1. IF your house has bumpers, I am you guy!😁🤣 See you soon!



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