
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Let The Church Rise Up

I have a few things I want to deliver to you today. We are sending this out to our snail mail newsletter list as quickly as possible. I will paste the text below and a link to a PDF of that file. I will also post a YouTube video of me expounding on these comments. Please take a few moments to read and share with others or even view the video. 

Our nation and our world need help. We need God to heal our land and God may be waiting on us to fulfill our spiritual commitments. I am encouraging Christians to spend the month of August preparing ourselves according to II Chronicles 7:14 and then asking God to heal our land on Sunday, August 30. Who can say what God will do, but we know He is able.

This is a link to a PDF of the text below. Please share and forward.

Boggs Family Ministries

Our Nation Is In A Crisis And Needs To Be Healed
Our World Is In A Crisis And Needs To Be Healed
Let The Church Rise Up

Some are hoping that herd immunity will finally stop this pandemic.
Yet experts say that a large percentage of the population needs to be infected in order to have any possibility of developing herd immunity. A large percentage of the population enduring the ravages of COVID-19 could mean many millions of deaths.

Some are hoping that a vaccine will stop this pandemic.
Yet we are not even sure a vaccine that works can be developed.
And at this time, there is no guarantee that immunity from a vaccine would last very long.

There is another remedy and it is a Biblical remedy.
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I have been expecting some nationally or internationally recognized religious leader to call for Christians to fulfill this verse.
We can wait no longer. Our world is desperate for a cure.

I have no authority. I am not a Pastor. I am not a recognized voice outside my little circle. My voice carries no weight, nor do I seek a wider audience. My words have scant influence and my opinions are not important.
But God’s Word is preeminent! His voice must be heard! I have not earned the right for my words to be trusted, but please listen to the Word of God.

God can heal our land! God can stop this pestilence! The Bible teaches us there is nothing too hard for God. It is impossible with man, but not with God!
God spoke the solution to Solomon. What would it hurt if we followed His Word and put ourselves into a position to ask God to heal our land?
II Chronicles 7:14 is not spoken to the world at large, it is spoken to us, the people which are called by God’s name. What does God say to us? God says His people should:
-Humble themselves! God, help us to throw our pride and vanity aside and humble ourselves before You!
-Pray and seek my face! Oh, God, help us to become serious about prayer, sincere, heartfelt prayer, seeking your face!
-Turn from their wicked ways! We must be willing to repent and turn from all our wicked ways. It is easy to see wickedness in those outside the church or others inside the church, but we must turn from our own wicked ways!

IF we do these things and do them sincerely and completely, God promised to hear our cry, forgive our sin and heal our land!
We need healing in our land, why not try the remedy God gave us? We are doing everything we can not to spread the virus. Is there more that we can do?
Why not spend the month of August humbling ourselves before God, repenting, turning from all wickedness?
We the people of God could fast and pray until the last Sunday in August when we could gather in our churches in unity and ask God to heal our land.
If only 1/10 of the Christians would fast a meal in August or a day in August, we could cover every moment of the month many thousands of times over.
Would fasting change God? Absolutely not! Fasting changes us! There is nothing that brings me down to humility like taking my plate.
Let us get down low before God, humble ourselves, pray and seek God’s face, turn from our wicked ways and give God a chance to do a miracle in our world.

Let the month of August be preparation and on Sunday, August 30th let us lift our humbled voices toward God and believe Him for a mighty miracle of healing. Let us believe Him to stop this pestilence!
What if every Christian in the USA joined in fulfilling II Chronicles 7:14 personally and corporately?
What if Christians all over the world joined in the purification and the prayer?
Does our world need to be healed? Can God do it? Yes! Yes! We need to rise up and be light in this dark world!

Spread the word. Share far and wide on every platform, not for the glory of a man or a movement, but for the glory of God!
We have a few days to spread the word to Christians everywhere and we certainly have the technology to do it.
We neither expect nor need skeptics and scoffers to join us in this effort. This is a duty assigned to the church. May God help us to do our part.



  1. Thanks for the challenge my brother! I can sense the passion and sincerity in your video. I’ll share this video, and will plan to join you in prayer and fasting as we are able next month.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement and the participation!
      May God help us all!



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