
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Father's Day 2020

Hey Friends,

This is Odie, checking in with you. I hope that you are well today! It is great to meet you here again. 

We have made it to another weekend, but this is a very special weekend in the United States. According to my research, other countries choose a different day for their Father's Day. Here we celebrate our Father's on the third Sunday of June. This year that day comes on, June 21. Happy Father's Day 2020!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy
I am thankful for my Dad! He is definitely the best Father! I can not precisely express my love and appreciation for my Dad. He does so much to make my life wonderful! I do not take the blessing of having an awesome Father lightly.

Dad, "I love you more than a hog loves slop!" You have taught me that is a lot of love. All of my life you have shown me that kind of love and support! Thank you for being my real-life superhero! I appreciate you more than you can ever know!

The Love of God, Our Father

Let me remind you that you are loved by your Heavenly Father! He cares for you. His arms are open and God is waiting to show you what true love feels like. There is no better place to experience life, than in the arms of God! I am thankful for His love! 

He is a Father that will never leave us. He is always there for each person in this word. We all get the privilege to talk to Him anytime. There is never a need to send a text, leave a voicemail or get a busy signal. We can all have the undivided attention of our Father.

Have you truly experienced the greatness of a relationship with God? If you do not know the life changing results of knowing God's love, then I encourage you to talk to Him today. He is the greatest Father that we can have in our lives!

I want to say a prayer for you right now. I am carrying a burden for you and I feel the nudge to pray. When I can not give the answers to my family and friends about life's issue, I have learned to pray. At that moment, when words fail me, the presence of God can heal a heart.

Dear God,
Thank you for giving us today. I thank you for every reader of this post. I know that all of us are special to you. Thanks for creating us and giving us a purpose to live. God, I thank you for your unfailing love for us. You have given us mercy and grace when we did not deserve it. Thank you for always being there with us.

God, today I am praying for my precious friends. Life has hurt some of us. I do not possess the words to fix their problems. A hug from Daddy can go a long way to heal a wound. Many of my friends can not get a hug from their earthly Father. Please wrap your arms around them this very moment! I want my friends to know the power of your love!

I know you are hearing my prayers today. Thank you for hugging all of us right now. Thank you for the privilege of being your child! I love you and worship you for your power. I humbled by your greatness. Thank you that I can talk to you anytime. Thank you for answering this prayer right now! I ask it all in the name of Jesus.

Friend, you are loved! God loves you with an everlasting love. We love you! Thanks for reading as I shared my heart.



  1. Hello Odie, it's always good to hear from you, thank you for sharing your heart, may God keep blessing you and using you to spread His love! Also I want to wish a Happy Father's day to Bro. Davy! May God bless you my friends!

  2. Adrianny,
    Hello my friend! Thanks for reading and commenting. Hope you all are doing well. God bless you and your family.


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