
Friday, May 15, 2020

What's Up Weekend? 5/15/20

Since it is Friday, it is time for Revival in Pictures. First, here is last night's service.

Revival In Pictures
This has been an eventful week. We have had revival each night and we have been social butterflies two days. Of course, that is social butterflies with social distance in between. We also worked in the barn, hauled off fence debris and mowed the yard. 

When we began this revival on March 23 it was completely dark when we started our first service at 8:00 PM. 53 nights later I took these pictures after service last night a few minutes past 9:00 PM.

The Lamb family has been resting AND watching revival. We love these pictures!

Jackson Daniels- Hillsboro, Ohio watching Uncle Davy preach. 

Jason and Brooklyn Eason watching service in Knoxville, Tennessee 

Revival Pics from Odie


Mom and Dad came over for lunch one day. It was too cold to sit on the driveway so we ate in Odie's garage.

I mentioned last week that I had trouble with the lawnmower the last time I mowed. Dad helped me get that straightened out while he was here and it did fine Wednesday when I mowed! Thank you, Dad!

Evidently, this mower needs voltage for the steering to work, for the blades to stay on and to keep the motor running. The battery was not being charged so everything was shutting down. Dad suggested a blown fuse and I knew where the fuse block was located. The first fuse I pulled was good, but dad noticed that one blade was going on top of the slot it goes in rather than inside.

We inserted the fuse correctly and the battery was charging like it is supposed to. Yay!

Bro. JR and Sis. Teresa Alexander came over for lunch Wednesday. It was great to see them and great to visit with them.

That wraps up the week of revival. Hopefully, by Monday I will have pictures of one of the little projects in the barn. Thank you for joining us today, friends.



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