
Saturday, May 30, 2020

A Big Surprise Gift

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in with you. Thanks for stopping by to visit. It is always good to have you in our corner of the world. I hope you are doing well.

I have been rolling down my pre-blogging memory lane. Today I want to tell you a funny memory. This moment should have been captured on video, because It would have been a hit on YouTube!

A Big Surprise Gift

This happened years ago on Christmas Eve. I was just a girl, somewhere between seven and ten years old. It was time for our Morgan Christmas at my grandparent's house. We had a wonderful day with our family!

Gran took me into the other room to distract me. I was told that one of my gifts was really big. Some of my family needed a few minutes to prepare the gift. I was jumping up and down on the inside I was so excited! What in the world could be my BIG gift? 

I remember waiting for what felt like forever. My suspense was growing by the second. When I was allowed to come back into the room, there was a ginormous box on the floor. I could not wait to see what was in the box!

My family kept stalling and they were driving this little girl crazy. I could not wait for another second. I had to know what was waiting for me inside that huge box! Finally, I was allowed to open the present. I tore off several layers of wrapping paper. I still could not tell what was inside the box.

Do you want to know what was in the box? Let me tell you, I have never fully recovered from what I found in that box. It was definitely a one of a kind gift! I ripped the box open with great anticipation!

When the box came open, my Aunt Kim jumped out and scared me! I do not remember my exact reactions, but I am positive that I jumped and screamed! "I had a baby heart attack," to quote my good friend Regan Walters!

It was a memorable Christmas with one of the most memorable gifts I have ever received!

I have an awesome aunt. It is always a blast to be with her. I do not have a picture from that Christmas to show you. Here is a picture from my birthday last year. This is me and my Aunt Kim.

Thank you to my family for teaching me to always have fun. I love all of you! I am so thankful for all of our great laughs and memories. Life with you all is never dull!

I appreciate you readers rolling down memory lane with me today. I hope you remember this story the next time someone gives you a big present. Just be prepared for anything to happen!


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