
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Happy New Year From Odie

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from the road. The BoggsMobile is in on the move today. We are Mississippi bound. I am excited to be heading to the south and to see many of our great friends. Tomorrow we will begin our first revival of the year. We a looking forward to being with Pastor Tim Cauley and the precious people at Forts Lake Assembly!

I know for several people the last year seemed full of terrible hardships. It was also a year of blessings and answered prayers. Thank God for being faithful to all of us and helping us make it through the year! 2019 is safely in the history books. Congratulations we survived 2019! 

Happy New Year! Welcome to a new year and a brand new decade! I was extremely glad to see the fresh page of 2020 arrive! 

I am excited to watch God work His plan for my life. What will the coming days hold for me? I have some personal goals and wishes. Most of all I want God to be in control of everything. One of my top prayers for 2020 is to be a vessel that God can use to reach others more than ever before. 

Most likely 2020 will have its own surprises, but I hope they are all amazing surprises. Whatever this year holds for us, please remember The Lord is on our side! That is enough to overcome anything! I will leave you with one of my favorite scriptures. 

Thank you for reading! I do appreciate many of you that let me know that you keep up with us here. We appreciate your checking on us and praying for us. You are definitely a blessing to me!



  1. Odie, Y'all are definitely a great Blessing to us also, TXS !~!
    the Shifletts.

    Frankie Shiflett


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