
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Happy Birthday Davy

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in. I am hoping that we are all on the mend. Sickness is not welcome on the BoggsMobile. 

We had a fantastic week with Pastor Tim Cauley and our friends at Forts Lake Assembly. The Lords always visits us in a special way and we greatly enjoy our time in Moss Point, Mississippi. 

Happy Birthday, Dad

In a few days, it will be my Dad’s birthday. I want to take a moment to wish him a happy birthday. Dad does not like attention on his birthday, but he totally deserves extra recognition. My Aunt Theresa sent me the picture below a while ago. I Have saved it for today’s post. 

Dad, I hope that you have a terrific, birthday! I love you “more than a hog loves slop!” Thank you for always being there for me. You have taught me what love truly is. Thank you for your unconditional love and encouragement. I appreciate your unselfish life. You are my hero! You are an amazing man of God!

I am proudly a Daddy’s girl. From the moment I entered this world you have been in my corner. It is definitely a blessing to have you in my life. I am extremely proud to be your daughter. Happy Birthday!

Thank you for reading along as I show my Dad some special attention. I appreciate you all for stopping by to visit me today. I hope you have a good weekend. 


1 comment:

  1. Odie, You said "in a few days, it will be my Dad’s birthday" but You didn't indicate the exact day (date). I would like to know his 1st birthday date, promise I won't make any big waves although I agree with You that he definitely deserves extra recognition always, TXS! - Frankie.

    Frankie Shiflett


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