
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Vintage View Vednesday 2007 Devil's Tower and Little Bighorn Battlefield

Today's Vintage View Vednesday has more pictures from our journey west in 2007 continued from last week.

On the fifth day of our trip to Montana with my parents, we began in Keystone. We drove through Deadwood, South Dakota, to Devil's Tower National Monument and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument and spent the night in Billings, Montana.

Although Devil's Tower needs a new name, it is an amazing place and that was the first visit for all of us. There is not much to do, but walk the trail around the monument and stare, but it is grand enough to pull that off. It does not need go-carts and miniature golf to make it worth visiting.

We are always amazed at the drive through the northeast corner of Wyoming. A couple of months ago all we saw was snow, but in 2007 we saw hundreds, if not thousands, of pronghorn antelope all day long. It was awesome.

We capped off the day with an hour or so visit to Little Bighorn National Monument where General Custer made his last stand. We were there at the end of the day, but it is a place where we could definitely spend several hours. It is a beautiful, but sobering place and reminds me of Gettysburg because of those two elements so finely woven together.

I hope you enjoy this Vintage View Vednesday. Thank you for stopping in.


We must have eaten lunch at Wendy's that day. I remember being amazed at how much Wendy looks like my Dad. It is uncanny!


  1. Davey,
    I think Y'all would really enjoy backtracking that trip & sight seeing, really so wonderful. TXS! for sharing & trust all is at its finest with everybody. Hope everybody is at home safe & well for the Holidays with plenty of PRAYERS !~!

    Frankie Shiflett

    1. Oh, that would be awesome! We would love to do that trip again with my parents!
      Thank you for reading and commenting, my friend.



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