
Friday, December 20, 2019

Revival In Pictures - El Mirage, AZ

We had a very smooth day of travel on Thursday and we are very thankful to God for that. I will bring you up to date on the whole trip when we arrive home, by God's grace.

Revival In Pictures
Friday is Revival In Pictures day! We have pictures for you from our revival at Desert Cove Assembly in El Mirage, Arizona. We had a wonderful time with all of our friends and family there and Odie took lots of pictures so you could enjoy a glimpse of the revival too.

May God bless all of our friends in El Mirage! It seems we never even need one moment of warm-up time with them. We pull in, get out of the bus and bam! we feel completely at home. We love it!

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read Mile Markers today. Please enjoy the pictures. (I have a little more commentary near the end of the post.)


It was so nice of our friends, Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan to sacrifice the time, effort and money to fly to Arizona to spend the week with us. We appreciate it very much! They have traveled so many places to be in revival with us and now they have visited us in Arizona twice. They are amazing!

We love and appreciate you, dear friends! We owe you big time!


  1. Davy, very lovely photos & story, TXS! for sharing & we owe the Boggs (You & Yours) big time also for introducing GOD to so many souls, the Shifletts.

    Frankie Shiflett

    1. It is our happy privilege to be an ambassador for Christ in these last days! What an amazing life!

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Bro. Frankie.



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